The Unification War

Military action


A war fought by the Kitsune Warlord Tamamo-No-Mae for control over the eastern continent.

As opposed to the western continent, which had long since civilized itself and become a land where nations could prosper and citizens could live their lives in relative peace, the eastern continent had yet to be tamed.   An entire continent of endless battle as the tribes and peoples who lived there always fought for dominance yet could never achieve it, the people there had known nothing but endless conflict for nearly an eon or more until the Kitsune Warlord, Tamamo-No-Mae, began her campaign to unite the entire continent under her banner.   Unifying tribe after tribe with her silver tongue and laying enemy armies low with her legendary tactical and political acumen, she at long last seemed the shining star that could finally bring the people of the east the peace they had sought for so long...

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