Moon Pool
This a pool of crystal clear water located in a cave beneath the city of Gamba. A gap in the rock above the pool channels moonlight directly onto the pool. The pool is roughly circular and about 5' deep. Bathing in the pool has miraculous effects. Anyone entering the pool will quickly be aware of a tingling sensation on his or her skin. The skin and eyes of the bather will quickly take on a healthy glow, hair and nails will grow stronger and healthier. Then the really dramatic effects will occur. Male bathers will transform into females. Those who enter the pool as females will feel a warm sensation in their womb and quickly develop the inescapable sensation that she is pregnant.
Purpose / Function
The fountain has been imbued with several powers by the goddess. It enhances the appearance of the bather by removing scars, blemishes and stretch marks. It also makes skin, hair, nails and eyes healthier and more robust. It has a very unexpected effect on males turning them into females. Getting out will not stop the transformation. Finally, the fountain will cause female bathers to become pregnant. Any child produced will essentially be a clone of the mother.
Alternative Names
Pool of the Goddess
World wonder
Parent Location
Owning Organization