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The Guardians of the Valley

This is a militia committed to defending the Valley of the Fair. The militia's members patrol the areas in and around the valley seeking out bandits, monsters and dangerous animals. The Guardians typically wear non-descript green and brown clothing that allow them to blend in with the their surroundings. Almost all of the members are skilled in the use of the longbow. Their preferred hand to hand combat weapons are long swords and axes. For armor they favor chain mail or studded leather armor. The unit has 30 full time member and another 200 that can be called up in emergencies.



The force is mainly male (80 percent), but may be heavily supplemented by witches from the Valley. Some of the witches are Guardians of the Sacred Coven.


The unit is well quipped with climbing gear and wood working tools for making traps. They will use sturdy pack-mules to move heavy loads of supplies.


Longbows, long swords and battle axes are the prime weapons of the militia.


The force is commanded by the Guardian of the Valley. He is supported by two full-time Captains, two lieutenants and ten sergeants, half of who are full-time members.


The Guardians are well-practiced at light infantry tactics. They are excellent scouts, trackers and use aggressive patrols to maintain the safety of the valley. The use their great knowledge of the local environment to mount deadly ambushes. In mountain defiles they will arrange to rain boulders down on enemy forces and will follow up with a hail of arrows. If any major threat is detected the Guardians can be expected to receive powerful magical support from the Valley's witches


The militia is really a professional fighting force with thirty full time fighters who train and patrol constantly. The two hundred or so part-time members train with the full-time members on a weekly basis and join patrols on a monthly basis. Many of the part-timers are former full-time members.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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