*Cult with Red Robes*

This secretive group evidently existed around the time of the Dimlight War. Evidence would suggest there are at least a dozen members, but only a few have been confirmed. Those alive that seem to have connections to the group have had their memories altered in some way, preventing them from recalling their time with the group, and preventing unwanted parties from accessing those memories as well. Their goals and actions are still shrouded in secrecy.  

Arthal's Memories Restored

When the aventuring party from Oakenhold reached the Castle Keep in Graymouth, they encountered an old Divination Wizard in the King's court. Introducing himself as Arthal, he was a seemingly talented but bumbling mystic. However, upon prodding him for knowledge about ongoing events in the Kingdom that seemed to point towards the city of Lastvault, Arthal seemed to be stuggling to recall answers to specific questions about what could be hidden there. Believing him to be under the effects of some form of magical memory modification, the party set out to acquire a Greater Restoration potion to give to Arthal, to unblock his affected memories.


With potion in-hand, the party returned to the castle to have Arthal drink the elixir, but they were stopped by the court Alchemist, Clancy Byrne. He feared the potion would not work in its current state, and suggested they attempt to augment it using a magical catalyst they had discovered together. After a seemingly successful augmentation of the potion, that produced two viable doses, Arthal was given the concoction to drink.


A few seconds later, Arthal was immediately distraught and hysterical, seemingly having had his memories come flooding back to him, and was demanding he be killed before his secrets could be escavated from his mind. He was convinced that they had just doomed the realm. His memories were vaulted as part of a scheme to conseal the location of the Feather Barb of Mor'roc, a powerful artifact that would be disasterous if it fell into the wrong hands. Among his hysterics, he seemed to recognize an individual among the party, Dreven. He promptly cast Zone of Truth and questioned Dreven about his name. Answering truthfully, Dreven's response seemed to calm Arthal just a little, to which he responded cryptically that he was glad to hear that that was his truth. Frustrated with Arthal's lack of cooperation with their questioning, Dreven attempted to Detect his thoughts, and succeeded, where he was immediately cast into a reverie of Arthal's past. There he saw many figures in red cloaks, gathering together to plan some grand scheme. He also saw Arthal erasing the memories of a few others, one of which he recognized as King Burgess. Another figure looked eerily exactly like himself, if a bit different in complexion and build. Revealing the information he had gathered, and pressing Arthal for more information on just why he recognized him and what he was doing among the robed figures, Arthal pleaded to cast Augury to see what the fates deemed he should do. His diety seemed to assert that restoring the memories of the King would be a terrible mistake, but a determination could not be made on the results of restoring Dreven's memories.

  Dreven decided to take the future of the realm into his own hands, and drank the augmented potion, restoring the blocked memories inside him. Seizing the moment to guarantee he had not made a mistake, Arthal cast Detect Thoughts on Dreven and saw with his own eyes what Dreven had unlocked. Asking one of Dreven's companions do cast Zone of Truth once more, Arthal asked Dreven what his name was. He tried to respond the same as he did previously, but the words would not leave his lips, suggesting that deep down, Dreven now knew that his name was not his true one. The party proceeded to convince Arthal that the plan he and his acquaintences had concocted was being undone, regardless of whether he would commit himself to death or not. Arthal agreed that maybe his life was not forfeit, and perhaps he could help foil these plans. He agreed to fashion a powerful magical object, along with the Alchemist, Clancy, to help them in their efforts on rooting out the impending evil.

Death begets Life

Founding Date
3rd of Frostthaw 557
Religious, Cult
Leader Title
Parent Organization

Known Members

Magnus Albrand
Moradin Smeltmaster
Karl Burgess
Arthal Doyle
This article has no secrets.


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