
Tribal Organization


Firbolgs tend to live in tribes that consist almost entirely of one clan. It is not uncommon for every Firbolg in a single settlement to be related to one another in some capacity. Their sense of community is very strong, and they often make decisions on the basis of helping the entire tribe over themselves. Fibolg society is structured where tribal governments are almost entirely matriarchal while the nation government is almost entirely patriarchal. Culturally, there is an emphasis on a lack of nuclear families. The tribes treat children born in the tribe as children of the whole tribe, and individual members of the tribe are encouraged to take different partners, when producing offspring is the goal, in order to diversify the species. On average, bonded pairs of Firbolgs have three children, but each Firbolg, on an individual basis, has closer to five.




Firbolg culture places emphasis on the mother's surname when a child is born into a tribe. Therefore, it is most common for half-brothers and half-sisters to have the same surnames, when they share the same mother. However, the father's surname traditionally becomes the child's second name. This makes it simpler for Firbolgs to choose partners with no close blood relations. Orphaned Firbolgs are often given the surname of the tribe they are born or adopted into, to show that the tribe is their parent now. Orphans traditionally have no second name.

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