Nirsadirn's Folly

Nirsadirn's Folly is the name given to the group of adventurers that was integral to the Triskelion Pledge's victory over the Tyrangar Empire in the Dimlight War. Their namesake comes from their slaying of the great white dragon: Nirsadirn, the Jealous One, who interrupted the War to lay waste to both sides of the conflict. This group was also briefly known as The Reclaimers, after they successfully inflitrated an occupied Roots-upon-Gwynne, and freed the citizens within from captivity, staging a rebellion in the process that allowed the Pledge to reclaim the city.    

After the Dimlight War

The fighting ended on the 2nd of Frostthaw 557, in the dead of winter. The end of the conflict had the people of Eastern Tenebrach believing themselves capable in their own right and, opting to maintain their cohession as a people, they founded the Kingdom of Cordall 11 months later, on the 21st of Frostset 558.  

Rector Arkud Smeltmaster

The Kingdom of Brers, who assisted in this war, without any real stake in it themselves, simply asked for the Smeltmaster Clan to have a realm of its own in the new country. To that effect, the settlement of Steepmoor, and its surrounding mountains were gifted to Moradin Smeltmaster, Arkud's father, and his kin, upon which he established the Republic of Steepmoor - a merchantile citystate within the borders of Cordall, with close ties to its sister city, Stormwal. Arkud Smeltmaster, next in line for head of the Smeltmaster Clan, would inherit the title of Rector of the Republic of Steepmoor upon his father's passing.  

King Karl Burgess

By the demand of the people, many of whom either fought beside him, were rescued from captivity by him, or heard the tales about his final blow to the dragon Nirsadirn, Karl "Deftdagger" Burgess was chosen to be the first King of the new Kingdom of Cordall. Magnus Albrand publically pushed for his son Thorvald to be King, but Thorvald himself shulked at the responsibility. Karl Burgess stepped up to the demands of his new people, and declared the capital of their Kingdom to be Graymouth, a new name for Roots-upon-Gwynne, representing their new identity by renaming the oldest colony on the Isle.  

Sergeant-at-Arms Mironwe Gwamiel

For Mironwe, the war never truly ended. Before the Kingdom of Cordall would be founded, Mironwe became Magnus Albrand's top choice for protection of the great city of Lastvault, after his own son seemed to care more for a quiet life. With the eventual blessing of the King, Mironwe was named Sergeant-at-Arms, and given the task of overseeing the eternal protection of Lastvault, since the Drow seemed to deem it to be a priority target. With Magnus' help, togther they turned the once shanty city into a beacon of order and safety in Southern Cordall.  

High Orator Serode Aerabriniel

Proving to be a formidable presence on the battlefield, through skill and charisma, King Burgess selected his friend Serode as the High Orator for the Kingdom. She threw herself into her work, by assisting the King with his decrees and putting their Kingdom's laws to parchment. She also made most of the decisions regarding the partitioning of realms within the Kingdom, and particularly the deal with the Kingdom of Brers for their land in and around Steepmoor.  

Earl Thorvald Albrand

After resisting his father's push to become King, Thorvald humbly accepted the title of Earl from King Burgess and High Orator Aerabriniel. Instead of ruling from the seat of the county, in Spireroot, Thorvald chose to live a quiet life in Oakenhold. He ruled through a council of three in the county capital, and became very well liked as a man of the people, constantly walking among his citizens in each settlement in his domain. Some would come to criticize him for his lack of governance, but most would view this as a strength. He eventually married Marisol, an Elf from Adrin, who also fought in the Dimlight War. Together they had one child, a Half-Elf they named Alaric.

3rd of Leafturn 557 - 21st of Frostset 558

Adventuring Party
Alternative Names
The Reclaimers
Parent Organization
Related Species

Known Members

Arkud Smeltmaster
Karl Burgess
Mironwe Gwamiel
Serode Aerabriniel
Thorvald Albrand

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