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4 Candles

The 4 Candles ritual is a ritual performed by followers of Cybele wherein the user places 4 candles whilst meditating. Often meditating for the full duration of the shortest lit candle. Each candle represents one of the spirits. Although depending on the amount of candles lit, the ritual meant something different. The candles were always lit from left to right and set at ahead of the person meditating. Sometimes accompanied by ritualistic circles drawn as well.  
  1. Candle. If only 1 candle is lit the monk performing the ritual is most likely performing their standard morning or evening ritual. Not necessarily praying for luck or good weather as they accept the balance that comes with bad days. But that the day may be as it should.
  2. Candles. If the second candle is also lit the user is most likely meditating to the spirit of the river. They believe that they might go into battle and would like luck to be on their side.
  3. Candles. If 3 candles were lit they were grieving. Asking for healing, either mentally or physically. Something tragically has happened or they might just be desperate and seek guidance.
  4. Candles. Rarely were all 4 candles lit. This meant that most monks always carried a 4th candle that wast most of the times never used. But if the 4th candle was lit the user was partaking in and Astral ritual. Either seeking direct guidance and contact from Cybele herself, projecting themself into the astral plane or some other astral related ritual. Most monks don't get this far or take this path in training, and whilst most monks have attempted communication by this manner to the mother of the sea.
  Only very specific cases have indeed been answered, such as the Ajari Kuna; Who sits upon the highest point in the temple, meditating with 4 eternally lit candles.

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