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Chaojo. Originating from the water temple, is a water genasi Monk of Cybele. She follows the lake, The way of mercy. Many years ago, she was kicked out of the water temple together with her best friend, Katara. They've been split ever since. There aren't many records about Chaojo but she's almost always seen with her bonsai treant, Aiko. This is a tradition in the water temple; Once a monk becomes of age, which is around 16, they are allowed to wander and tend to the gardens. Here many bonsai treants walk around. And eventually one bonsai treant will pick their caretaker. For most monks this takes many years of meditating and tending to the gardens. But Chaojo was exceptional, bonding with Aiko in less than 2 months.   She's been looking for the crystal ever since, her ticket back into the temple. Not much is known about the whereabouts of The Icosahydron. Only that it was stolen not long before she and Katara were kicked out of the temple. Many suspect Chaojo for having to do something with the disappearance of the artifact but nobody knows where it is or who stole it. If it even was stolen and not something else.
Current Location
Year of Birth
4378 PE 27 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
1.63 m
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