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This item has many stories surrounding its existence, its creation and its use. It is said that whoever wield it is granted immense power.  


  The Icosahydron was created by Cybele herself, according to popular belief, she created the pure ice crystal to trap a dangerous being inside. Whilst the Icosahydron is filled with water surrounded by an outer shell of pure ice crystal, it cannot be melted or shattered by non magical means. After the Icosahydron's creation a long time ago, when the gods still walked among the people, Cybele trusted the Archtemple of Water on what is now known as the Elemental Plane of Water, to guard this item so that whatever evil is held within it may never escape again. Many Ajari Kuna have done a succesful job at this, other's have been tempted by the power it holds and is supposedly granted to the wielder. Whilst these leaders either didn't last very long or were eliminated before becoming a threat, many other followers or outsiders have tried to steal the Icosahydron.  


  The Icosahydron is a clean cut ice icosahedron, which is almost indiscernible from glass. There's a bright light inside which always seems closest to the side viewing the Icosahydron from. The light refracts within the Icosahydron in a crystal like way giving it a magical glow. The Icosahydron is filled with a water like liquid which looks indistinguishable from the ice, but you can feel it moving around when moving the crystal. The Icosahydron is cold to touch almost to the point of hurting to hold, and is weirdly heavy, weighing around 8 kilo's for a diamater of 10 cm.  

Notable Users

  The First Ajari Kuna. He supposedly used the Icosahydron to construct the entirety of the Archtemple. He was also the one who was gifted the magical artifact by Cybele herself.   Lynn Herman, a high ranking Consolidated Outland lieutenant general, supposedly used the artifact to destroy multiple planets with huge tidal waves destroying all life and terraforming the whole planet. This is how, allegedly, the most perfect planets were formed.  


  There are numerous stories concerning the creature trapped inside the Icosahydron. The most prevalent one is that an ancient Titan is trapped inside, the titans used to rival the gods seeking to destroy the world they made and create their own vision of the perfect multiverse. Some say the gods used a version of the Imprisonment spell, others say the artifact is the heart of a defeated Titan. Whilst most of the titans were destroyed in the war between the gods and the titans. The primal titans were unable to be killed or destroyed and are therefor trapped or imprisoned in the far corners of the universe.   Whilst holding the artifact, the wielder is said to be granted immense power. Whilst great things can be created or healed with the orb, the orb can also be used to destroy and damage. Creatures killed using the artifact are consumed by it and their souls absorbed into it. If the wielder is not strong enough to wield the artifact, the user may also perish in the process of trying to use it.
8 kg
10 cm (diameter)

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