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His Divinity Hamas Aearuin (a.k.a. The Artificer)

Demi-god of creation. Son to Cybele. He inherited magical powers from birth and always wanted to achieve the most with his heritage. So he constructed a planet, Anaxes, with a magical school upon it.  

A long time ago in galaxy far far away...

And so the gods walked the world. Some died and some thrived. Some lied and some loved. And from that love, he will arise.
In 3500 AE the gods were cursed to walk the material realm for a century. They all inhabited their avatar, if their avatar died, they died. Many reached their end this way, even a whole pantheon was wiped out. But one god found love. On a planet called Batuu. Cybele, visited the sea every day. She lived a frugal life. But after coming to her spot every day for 30 years she saw a young man, painting her. The young man knew not of the gods, just as she did not know of him. But from one thing came another and the two fell in love. They lived and loved together in a little house at sea. 11 years later they had a child. He had his father's red hair and his mother's blue eyes. The three of them lived together in harmony. At least... for the next 59 years.  

Hamas had a good childhood, he was loved by both of his parents. They raised him and taught him how to control magic. He loved crafting with his parents making all sorts of magical en fantastical inventions. Hamas stopped aging at age 24, his father and him started building their home whilst his mother watched but his father grew old and grey. Eventually he died and so only Cybele and Hamas were left. He was aware of her divinity, and he knew when the day would come. She would have to leave. And so it did. On Hamas' 59th birthday she stepped through the divine gates once again to take her responsibility being the mother of the sea. But this meant stopping to be his mom.


Hamas stayed for a while, struggling with his immortality he just watched the sea for a sign, he listened to the winds for answers but all he found was loneliness. He did this for a couple centuries, he watched people come and go. Many of them he talked to but all of them eventually left or died. One day he was sitting on his bench, enjoying the view and thinking on life. A women approached and sat next to him. He didn't stop to look at who it was, instead focusing on the sea. As the sounds of the waves were crashing in, the women spoke to him.   "What does a man see in the ocean, that he must see it every day again."   A moment passed, as Hamas breathed and gazed upon the sea. Eventually he replied: "The sea is ever changing. The sound soft to the ears. The scent distinct but gentle. A man may have watched the waves for 500 years and still have not seen the same wave crash twice."   "Is the man not wondering what else is out there for him? Perhaps the man is destined to do great things...", her voice softly sounded.   And then it was quiet. A minute passed by. Then 5 minutes. Silence, just the sounds of the waves crashing into the rocks. Hamas thought and then he spoke.   "You left me, mom."   As he turned to look straight into her eyes. The waves turning quiet. The silence was deafening.

The Emperor

The Gods created the earth for man to walk. And for me.

An early morning started as the orange sun creeps into Hamas' room the sun shining upon his face. He awoke from his slumber, preparing for the day. He stood up entering the halls. Meeting his elven friend and servant Virion. "Good morning, your highness", he talked whilst walking through the castle. "Cut the crap, V", Hamas dryly replied. "Certainly", Virion replied swiftly, "breakfast is ready, your students are preparing themselves in the study as you requested, the people of Batuu seem very cont..", "What about the materials I requested", Hamas suddenly interrupts. Virion pauses for a second but aptly responds: "they are ready in your workshop, my lord." Hamas stopped and looked at Virion, looking into his eyes. He grabbed Virion, who was slightly smaller than him, by the neck and pulled him in. Giving him a soft kiss on his forehead. "Stop calling me that, V", he said with a grin on his face, "Just call me Hamas".


Hamas continued to teach his lesson, with his egg-sandwich in his hand, about the different schools of magic. Only the brightest of students were able to study with him. One girl, blonde, young, elegant, asked: "Your majesty, why is it that Necromancy is highly frowned upon but also the most used form in terms of healing?" Hamas looked at his stunned grinned and answered: "See that's the thing about magic. It's inherently dangerous but powerful and useful. Whilst necromancy might be the most noticeable of the schools because it is messing with the souls and the hereafter. All schools are this way." As with every class, the students were listening to his every word, studious and eager to improve. "I'll tell you what. Homework assignment for next class: I want you to be able to explain what each of the different schools would do in function of a tomato. Class dismissed", he said whilst leaning on his desk as the students packed up their stuff and individually left the class. One of the students came up to Hamas after that lesson and asked him where he learned all of this. Hamas promptly answered: "My father taught me." Which wasn't entirely true but not false either.

  Hamas then went to his workshop. Followed by Virion. There was a yellow-gold fabric laying on the table, which he swept up and threw around his shoulders in one sweeping movement. He smiled and looked at Virion. "What do you think?" "It's very... elegant", he replied with a slight smile on his face. "I'm going to work on the enchantments now. I have 2 amber crystals set to hold it into a cloak and perform the ritual.. get the circle.. a couple diamonds.." Virion was smiling as he watched Hamas working and mumbling to himself.   Hamas had many magical creations, including but not limited to:   Show Spoiler

Cloak of Etherialness

Wondrous Item

Very Rare requires attunement by any medium creature Requires Attunement

While you're wearing this cloak, you can speak its command word as an action to gain the effect of the etherealness spell, which last for 5 minutes or until you remove the armor or use an action to speak the command word again. This property of the cloak can't be used again until the next dawn.
Once per attunement you can change the command word to any word from any language.

Necklace of Adaptation

Wondrous Item

Uncommon Requires Attunement

While wearing this necklace, you can breathe normally in any environment, and you have advantage on saving throws made against harmful gases and vapors (such as cloudkill and stinking cloud effects, inhaled poisons, and the breath weapons of some dragons).

Hamas' earring

Adventuring Gear

Legendary Requires Attunement

This item is profoundly linked to the weave and is identified by a detect magic spell as a powerful source of magic. The Legend lore spell describes it's history and creation by Hamas but is also vague on its use.

  Hamas ruled Batuu with an iron fist for many centuries. He created the cites and structures most of which still stand today. But eventually grew bored of his task and grew tired of his limits on this planet. And so he grabbed his closest friends and servants. They worked together in his castle for a while but once the plans were in place to create their own demi-plane they did so. Spawning a new planet with magic alone. This planet, now known as...  


  Hamas and his team worked for many years on the initial design of Anaxes. Originally created in 302 AE and was finally finished in 269 AE for opening. The Academy was Hamas' personal project for eons. He kept expanding on it untill there was nothing to improve upon. He ran the academy for 4000 years. Not only garnering the reputation it has to this day, but running it with a flawless track record too. Most wizards, artificers and other learned magic practitioners and studiers, that have accomplished something, came from here. This was one of the many things he did as tribute to his mother. The thousands of years he spent alone with his mother stuck on the other side of the divine gate and his father gone, he felt abandoned. And after 7000 years of creating magic items, building towers, castles, empires and even planets. No feat was big enough for Cybele.   The academy was and still is to this day the perfect school. With Hamas supervising everything, most of the dark manipulative ways of teaching were dealt with appropriately. And with his justice system, it felt fair that even the strong or powerful might hold a chance if need be. Although this was just a deception, Hamas used many deceptions as a defense mechanism because many sought the power he possessed and the things he knew. Because of his unique position his knowledge is almost only rivaled by the gods. This knowledge qualified him to be the grand-rector and this, combined with his heritage, granted him the title of His Divinity. But even knowing all these things and studying everything he doesn't, this still wasn't enough for his mother or his great grandmother. Except for them, nobody knows why he could never cross the divine gates. His knowledge was vast, having read both the book of Vile Darkness and the Book of Exalted Deeds. Figuring out complicated rituals to undo the unwanted effects.   All of his efforts and plans were aided by his trusty friend Virion. Virion was Hamas' best friend and humble servant. From building his empire on Batuu to helping his ascension rite. Hamas kept Virion alive for many lifetimes and Virion helped him manage everything. Probably being the second most powerful person on Anaxes. To this day he remains there managing the affairs that remain after his disappearance in 3878.   But recently in the year 4402, Hamas reappeared, he once again took control over The Academy once again. Nobody knows what happened, why or what's going to happen now.  

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Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Deceased. Hamas' body has been lost throughout the ages, his soul trapped inside an artifact lost as well. But many people who have known Hamas describe him as a fit, wise human. Who is always dressed nicely and carrying his books.


Family Ties


Dad Jokes, Snarky comments
Character Location
Current Location
The Academy
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Divine Classification
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Artificer, His Divinity, The Creator of Anaxes, Head-Rector, Child of the Sea, God Teacher, Inventor of Everything, World Builder, The Red Sea, Father of Education
7322 (dead for 542 years)
Date of Birth
New years day 3459 AE
Circumstances of Birth
Circumstances of Death
attempted ascension
Current Residence
Mysterious, pale blue
Deep red, long curled
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
smooth, pale
1.85 m
65 kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
"There's always room for improvement"
"The danger of living too many times, is you forget to fear death."
"The worst monsters are those we bring with us."
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations

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