COU Organization in Coriolis_old | World Anvil
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Consolidated Outland is a spaceship manufacturer that focuses on affordable high quality ships. They are mostly known for their Mustang starter ships.

The COU was formed by elves ages ago. Who used mostly high magic to travel the multiverse, far before the great expanse. They've since the great expanse and the threat of SOSA branched of and started producing the much simpler and less effective way space-travel using technology. The main difference between them and SOSA is that their ships are much lighter and require a magical power source instead of an electrical.   Diplomacy Diagram not available


  • Tamosh
  • Braavos
    Capital of Tamosh and the Grand Duchy of Karsus.
Geopolitical, Technocracy
Alternative Names
Consolidated Outland
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members

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