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Jarghull Nabaal

Jarghull Nabaal (a.k.a. Big Guy)

Hello, my name is Jarghull. I could tell you about my origin and backstory, but I'm not in the mood for sob-stories. Besides, you have enough on your mind as it is. Anyways, I am a cleric of Bahamut and a protector of the innocent (or at least I try to be), I specialize in healing. A couple of things you should know about me is that I value honesty and compassion a lot. Furthermore, I am someone who likes to help others, no matter with what. I'm aware of how naive this makes me look, but I can't help it. Maybe it's a good thing that I'm a healer then, because I also despise the thought of losing people, or letting go of them. Don't be afraid though, I'm no stalker (I hope). So, what about you, stranger?

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Decently built and in shape.
"Adventuring isn't something you can do while sitting around and doing nothing all day."

Body Features

A few scars on his body and a few missing scales on his arms.
"I've seen my fair share of battle."

Facial Features

His eyes are sink ever so slightly as he always seems to carry a hint of sadness on his face. His gaze is a little distant and empty.
"Oh sorry, was I staring? I was just replaying some old memories."

Identifying Characteristics

Not at the moment, however he has had some strange features before.
"I used to have a couple of blue scales in between my gold ones, did you know that?"

Physical quirks

Nothing in the way of ticks. Does flinch a little when touched on the chest.
"Does Clumsiness count?"

Special abilities

Healing magic, as well as some offensive and utility spells.
"As long as I'm here, you'll be fine."

Apparel & Accessories

Generally carries his holy symbols and is often clad in armor, also usually has a flail on hand.
"Gotta be ready to do my job!"

Mental characteristics

Personal history

I come from the planet of Korriban: a planet that used to be the home world of metallic dragons. In the early years of the great expansions, humans had come to Korriban and drove the dragons away, scattering them across the galaxy. Over the years, devoted metallic dragons would return, along with their Dragonborn tribes. One of these Dragonborn tribes is the family i was born in, and grew up with. My family used to be servants to a golden dragon for generations. They were well treated and taken care of, but this all changed when i was still a child. When i was 3, an infamous dragon hunter, called Odin öbermüt and his men stormed the lair of our dragon and killed anyone in sight. I would have been killed just like the rest, had it not been for a particularly merciful hunter that hesitated just long enough for me to escape. I was later taken in by a human family and raised as one of their own on a planet called Batuu .

Gender Identity

"Just out of curiosity, what are the options?"


"I've never even tried the alternative, to be honest... I think..."


Holds the morals and values of his tribe close, but any further education was given to him on Batuu.
"On Korriban, I was taught how to be myself. On Batuu, I learned how to live my life."



Accomplishments & Achievements

"The lives I've saved are my achievements. The times I made people smile are my accomplishments. The love I gave to the world will be what i leave behind when my time comes. It shouldn't be much more complicated than that."

Failures & Embarrassments

Blames himself for losing many of the people in his life.
"The people I've lost are my failures. The people I've killed are my shame. The people I've hurt are my fault. I take responsibility for my actions, so they may be laid to rest. One day."

Mental Trauma

Original Family-tribe was completely exterminated. Wife-to-be was killed.
"You asked for it, I told you it's a sob story."

Intellectual Characteristics

He is more wise than intelligent.
"I can tell you're lying, please don't make me call you out on it..."

Morality & Philosophy

He hopes to be a beacon of support, hope and comfort others can rely on when they need it.
"I'm someone who loves to help. Whoever, whenever, whatever."


Lying/withholding useful information.
"Information should be used to help the people around you, not to gain an advantage over them."

Personality Characteristics


Vengeance, Justice, Altruism
"Those are three VERY different things, I know..."

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Agility and flexibility.
"I really should improve my balance."

Likes & Dislikes

Likes Flails.
"What? They're cool!"
Dislikes mean people.
"Don't be mean. It's really not that hard."

Virtues & Personality perks

Altruistic, kind, caring, open-minded
"It can get exhausting, but at least It makes those around me feel better."

Vices & Personality flaws

Naive, scattered mind, clumsy
"Things I say I should work on, but probably never will."


Normal on most parts, lacking on others.
"What do you mean "you can smell my armor"?"


Contacts & Relations

Lorith Aerma: Partner (Deceased)
"I still have the ring..."

Family Ties

Mother: Amona Farman (Chalk), Father: Elijah Farman (Chalk), Sister: Tira Farman (Chalk), Brother: Grimar Farman (Driord)
"Aren't they the best?? I love them so much!"
Biological mother: Mirish Nabaal (Deceased), Biological Father: Marghull Nabaal (Deceased)
"I'd rather not talk about this, sorry."

Religious Views

Follower of Bahamut
"I will follow his word and will be there for him if he needs me. As I have been there for many before and will be for many to come."

Social Aptitude

Pleasant to talk to, despite his naivety.
"If you ever wanna chat, you know where to find me."

Hobbies & Pets

No pets.
"Maybe for another day, but I have enough on my mind as it is..."
Hobbies: Practicing with Flail, Picnicking, Traveling,...
"Adventuring actually gave me more time to do all three of those than I could've ever guessed!"


Deep, Gentle voice. Slightly slower speech.
"Am I talking too much?"

Wealth & Financial state

"Still not wealthy enough for full-plate!"

Last member of the Nabaal clan and Cleric of Bahamut. Jarghull is a golden dragonborn that considers himself religious, yet his true faith lies with his friends and family.

Character Location
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Lawful Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Representative of the people of chalk
"Maybe one day..." "I DID IT MOM!"
Date of Birth
28th of Sextembruary, 4372 (28/06/4372)
Current Residence
Chalk, Batuu
Bright Blue
Shoulder-Long, Golden Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
rough, Yellow-like skin
200 lbs. / 91 kgs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Are you ok?"
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Elvish
"I had no clue I was that good with Elvish, I should thank Teagan."

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Taking matters into my own hands

It was so great seeing Lena again, she's trained a lot and has really gotten back on track at home. Her brothers are home and she's been training with them quite a bit, and has the scars to prove it. I asked if she wanted me to heal or restore them, but she saw them as lessons she learned in battle (despite the fact I preferred her without scars, you have to respect a warrior's will). We talked about our adventures together and caught up on each others' lives. Apparently she's seen the MM again and they were doing fine. She said they were heading to Ur Borm (Skarsnik's home planet, if I remember correctly). I hope they'll be alright.   Things are becoming a little more strained at home. I chose not to perform an ambush against the Lycanthropes as to keep my team out of danger, and we focused on protecting chalk. We were able to prevent quite some captures, but we still lost some men. I was able to capture one of the werewolves and am now personally training him. The people of Chalk were displeased with my choice, but what was I supposed to do? I couldn't send poorly trained recruits into such a fight. No matter, I'll hire some extra talent from the surrounding cities before the next full moon and I will lead a campaign that will hopefully solve most of this problem.   The negotiations at the southern border went well, however. They are willing to settle if the Bratian Empire provides them with funds for new amenities for their villages. They also requested acceptance towards the worship of Correlon as supreme elven diety, something I'm not very familiar with. I went to Teagan for further guidance on this matter, and to me it seems fine. I have forwarded all of the info to Didron, so it would reach the council of Driord. I hope this deal comes through, as it seems fair and the people at the Southern border were very pleasant folks :)   With Platinum Resolve.

Working from home

"Maintaining peace and order sure is a challenge... First there were the Lycanthropes, than the egg, and now this. No worries, though, I can work with this."   Things are going great here, for the most part. The lycanthropy situation is starting to escalate: we have set up posters and have informed the people of Chalk, Nessa and I have already restored quite a number of Lycanthropes and we're seeing new cases everyday. My team managed to find a lead that could give us a massive advantage, but I'm not sure if I want to send them into the fray like that: They lack a proper amount of training and proper arms. Furthermore, these are all men of Chalk and the surrounding; I know these men and even some of their families. I cannot put them in danger like this. I will station them in Chalk. There they will be familiar with their surroundings, while still being on site to prevent any more people from being taken.   Thamkis joined in on caring for the egg, bringing it to 4 of us. It's amazing to watch her care for it, she's a natural (not to mention she's also just an amazing person in general). I've been a little busy, so I haven't seen the egg for 2 days now, but Teagan is still there and I still talk to him and the others. It's doing great and I'm starting to become very excited to welcome him/her into this world (is that weird?).   Didron also recently came to me for advice: the southern villages wish to break away from the Bratian Empire and rejoin the Kingdom of Danzar. He is unsure what to do, and frankly, I'm not sure how to approach this situation either. After the full-moon is over I'm going to return to Driord to check on the egg and help where I am needed and then I am going to go talk to the people there. I will be gone for quite a while, but I'm sure it will be good to talk to the people themselves. I hope they are approachable, as Bratian guards have already been assaulted in some of the towns. I just hope they won't treat a negotiator the same way. At least I know the egg will be safe in the hands of a powerful druid, a mighty wizard and a dedicated parent. As for Chalk, it now lies in the protection of a full fledged manticore named Stormfly (Let's hope he doesn't get too hungry while I'm gone, though the Farmans and Brian have already warmed up to him enough to be trusted by Stormfly, so I'm sure it'll be alright).   As a last note: I recently received an invitation from someone VERY IMPORTANT!!! So I'll be off-planet around new years day, but I'm sure Batuu will be fine.   With Platinum Resolve.

Of Eggs and responsibilities

Who knew caring for an egg was so challenging...   Thank Bahamut for Didron. He's been helping and has taken over the role of main caretaker. I've been going to Driord every once in a while to check on it and see how things are and it seems things are going great (as far as I know). I told Teagan and it was a pretty big shock, but he's taking it pretty well. He left for Driord yesterday to go check on the egg. I feel like it's in good hands.   There's no progress on the Lycanthropy situation, but I have started to brief the guards and priestess Nessa. They all seem pretty on board and are starting to get the hang of how to handle a Lycanthropy plague. I have been talking to the priestess a bunch, she's pretty nice (she does mention Katara quite a bit though).   I also got a seat on the council of Chalk! I am now the representative of the people of Chalk!   I'm planning of leaving tomorrow to see if I can find an old friend again. I only know one place where I could find him, and it isn't too far from Chalk. I just hope he recognizes me. If not I'll have to run.   Things are looking up, but I still look back. I miss them, but I'll be sure they'll be alright. I wonder where they are right now. How would Lena be doing? ...   With Platinum Resolve.


Man, I can't believe she's actually gone... I never thought I'd say this, but I wish I would have to help her out of one last bit of trouble she got herself into. I guess I enjoyed having someone to look after. But she'll be safe now, that's the most important thing. I hope Karl and Audrey will be good to her when we're gone, but I'm sure they will. I don't know what to do now. Should I just go home?   Lena, I know you probably will never read this, but I need some stuff off of my chest, so here it goes. Thank you for everything (or maybe just for being you?). You remind me of myself a little bit. I recognize the spark in your eyes: the need for adventure, the hunger for stories, the yearning for the great world out there. I used to have it too. For me, it took me on a journey that lasted almost 20 years. Now, this spark took you on a journey. This journey wasn't perfect. In fact, the start showed you just how horrible things can become out there. We managed to find you, however, and I still thank my lucky stars for that, because in the time since I've seen that spark return. You enjoyed the adventure, but it was secretly getting to be time to go home. And now you got that chance, and you took it. I'm proud of you.   So now I think I stand at the end of my journey, my spark having been long gone. I believe it's time for me to go home, wherever that may be. I'm going to follow your example for once and do what I should have done 8 years ago. I'm going home.   I hope you can come see me sometime (let's hope Audrey still trusts me with your safety). You know where to find me, I'm not very hard to miss. I will be waiting for you and the MM to return as heroes (maybe I will be somewhat of a hero too by then). We'll go travel and discover Batuu together, I think this planet still has so much to offer (I have always wanted to visit the Ohlolonan Empire). Or maybe We'll visit Granvilles and see what that place has to offer us, it's up to you.   Anyways, I need to get ready for the mission. If anything goes wrong (which it probably will), I need to be ready to assist Axton in the extraction.   With Platinum Resolve.


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