Jarghull Nabaal | World Anvil

Jarghull Nabaal
Big Guy

Last member of the Nabaal clan and Cleric of Bahamut. Jarghull is a golden dragonborn that considers himself religious, yet his true faith lies with his friends and family.

Campaign & Party

Sun 27th Dec 2020 04:18

Taking matters into my own hands

by Jarghull Nabaal

It was so great seeing Lena again, she's trained a lot and has really gotten back on track at home. Her brothers are home and she's been training with them quite a bit, and has the scars to prove it. I asked if she wanted me to heal or restore them, but she saw them as lessons she learned in battle (despite the fact I preferred her without scars, you have to respect a warrior's will). We talked about our adventures together and caught up on each others' lives. Apparently she's seen the MM again and they were doing fine. She said they were heading to Ur Borm (Skarsnik's home planet, if I remember correctly). I hope they'll be alright.
Things are becoming a little more strained at home. I chose not to perform an ambush against the Lycanthropes as to keep my team out of danger, and we focused on protecting chalk. We were able to prevent quite some captures, but we still lost some men. I was able to capture one of the werewolves and am now personally training him. The people of Chalk were displeased with my choice, but what was I supposed to do? I couldn't send poorly trained recruits into such a fight. No matter, I'll hire some extra talent from the surrounding cities before the next full moon and I will lead a campaign that will hopefully solve most of this problem.
The negotiations at the southern border went well, however. They are willing to settle if the Bratian Empire provides them with funds for new amenities for their villages. They also requested acceptance towards the worship of Correlon as supreme elven diety, something I'm not very familiar with. I went to Teagan for further guidance on this matter, and to me it seems fine. I have forwarded all of the info to Didron, so it would reach the council of Driord. I hope this deal comes through, as it seems fair and the people at the Southern border were very pleasant folks :)
With Platinum Resolve.

Jarghull's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Lena
  2. Of Eggs and responsibilities
  3. Working from home
  4. Taking matters into my own hands
    27 Dec 2020 04:18:23

The major events and journals in Jarghull's history, from the beginning to today.

They have been on the road for a while, I should try to contact them again...

09:45 pm - 06.03.2022

It's been more than 2 years, but they made it. They fucking made it! I couldn't be more proud... Maybe they will return to Batuu! I hope so, I would love to hear about all of their crazy stories.

06:57 pm - 25.05.2021

Session XXXVII: Khenitra

12:14 am - 03.02.2021

Session XXXVII: Khenitra

05:31 pm - 02.02.2021

Session XXXVI: Welcome to the jungle!

11:08 pm - 28.01.2021

Session XXXVI: Welcome to the jungle!

05:39 pm - 28.01.2021

It was so great seeing Lena again, she's trained a lot and has really gotten back on track at home. Her brothers are home and she's been training with them quite a bit, and has the scars to prove it.

04:19 pm - 27.12.2020

Taking matters into my own hands

It was so great seeing Lena again, she's trained a lot and has really gotten back on track at home. Her brothers are home and she's been training with them quite a bit, and has the scars to prove it. I asked if she wanted me to heal or restore them, but s...

04:18 pm - 27.12.2020

Session XXXV: Wintermas dream

11:22 pm - 15.12.2020

Session XXXV: Wintermas dream

05:24 pm - 15.12.2020

Working from home

"Maintaining peace and order sure is a challenge... First there were the Lycanthropes, than the egg, and now this. No worries, though, I can work with this." Things are going great here, for the most part. The lycanthropy situation is starting to escal...

11:46 pm - 12.12.2020

Maintaining peace and order sure is a challenge... First there were the Lycanthropes, than the egg, and now this. No worries, though, I can work with this.

11:04 pm - 12.12.2020

Session XXXIV: Ur Borm Space

12:10 am - 09.12.2020

Session XXXIV: Ur Borm Space

12:10 am - 09.12.2020

Session XXXIV: Ur Borm Space

05:46 pm - 08.12.2020

Imma keep updating Jarghull's thoughts and journal. Your Characters DO NOT KNOW THIS. This is mainly me keeping in touch with a character I've grown to love very much.


I should hang out with Teagan, or get to know Xoruk, or talk to Nessa, or visit Grimar,... So much stuff to do now that I'm back home!!!!!!!


Of Eggs and responsibilities

Who knew caring for an egg was so challenging... Thank Bahamut for Didron. He's been helping and has taken over the role of main caretaker. I've been going to Driord every once in a while to check on it and see how things are and it seems things are go...

12:41 am - 03.12.2020

Who knew caring for an egg was so challenging...


Session XXXIII: The Path to Ur Borm

10:54 pm - 01.12.2020

Also I am home now!


Alright, on my own again. I miss them already, how could I not? And Enys left HER EGG in my care. I can't say how scared, but honored I am. It's ok tho, I'll see them again. It still hurts though.


So... Is Enys a mom now?


What in Bahamut's name is going on?????


Session XXXIII: The Path to Ur Borm

05:20 pm - 01.12.2020


Man, I can't believe she's actually gone... I never thought I'd say this, but I wish I would have to help her out of one last bit of trouble she got herself into. I guess I enjoyed having someone to look after. But she'll be safe now, that's the most impo...

03:31 am - 01.12.2020

Man, I can't believe she's actually gone... I never thought I'd say this, but I wish I would have to help her out of one last bit of trouble she got herself into. I guess I enjoyed having someone to look after. But she'll be safe now, that's the most important thing. I hope Karl and Audrey will be good to her when we're gone, but I'm sure they will. I don't know what to do now. Should I just go home?


Session XXXII: Return to Granviles

10:53 pm - 24.11.2020

Session XXXII: Return to Granviles

05:02 pm - 24.11.2020

Session XXXI:

11:34 pm - 17.11.2020

Session XXXI:

11:34 pm - 17.11.2020

Session XXXI:

05:19 pm - 17.11.2020

Session XXX:

10:33 pm - 10.11.2020

Session XXX:

05:02 pm - 10.11.2020

Session XXIX: Looting lairs

10:09 am - 04.11.2020

Session XXIX: Looting lairs

06:03 pm - 03.11.2020

Session XXVIII:

10:53 pm - 27.10.2020

Session XXVIII:

04:47 pm - 27.10.2020

Session XXVII: Chalk's Wedding

09:13 pm - 20.10.2020

Session XXVII: Chalk's Wedding

05:24 pm - 20.10.2020

Session XXVI:

09:42 pm - 13.10.2020

Session XXVI:

04:23 pm - 13.10.2020

Session XXV: Dragon business & The Wedding

06:32 am - 07.10.2020

Session XXV: Dragon business & The Wedding

04:11 pm - 06.10.2020

Session XXIV: Xilulth, Destroyer Of Life

10:58 pm - 29.09.2020

Session XXIV: Xilulth, Destroyer Of Life

04:30 pm - 29.09.2020

Session XXII: The klilm massacre pt. 2

08:01 pm - 09.09.2020

Session XXII: The klilm massacre pt. 2

10:33 am - 09.09.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Jarghull.