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Session XLIII: Deep roots are not reached by the frost Report

General Summary

I really don’t want to write or do anything anymore I just want to sit and watch the world go by. But all my friends seem to be doing it, so it may help to deal with the memories….. they hurt, they hurt so bad…  
    It all started when we got in a fight with a monster I’ve never seen before: it looked horrible, had a lot of eye’s all glazed over, pale white in color, and also unknown to me one mind flayer. After the fog of war cleared, we were all ok too everyone’s surprise. Nobody was hurt (more than we already were). Seeing the corpse of that horrible purple monster gave me a familiar headache that I hadn’t experienced in a long time, Axton did not help by naming those things interesting I felt my heartrate pick up and I was about to lose it, after all that happened the last few days. But the party moved on and I cooled off a bit and after walking in the freezing wind we saw another shape coming towards us. We all readied for yet another fight. When out of nowhere Baronk yelled my name, the disbelieve and somewhat confusion stunned me for a second, and before I know, my friends were questioning him, he seemed a bit off a little younger and didn’t know my friends anymore. Which made me very suspicious of the whole situation, if Baronk is up to something he gets more focused and that often doesn’t boat well for anyone. But he is my best friend and the best thing that happened to me in this storm. I happily tell him about my wonderful date with Measiesz (of course the romantic that he is loved every moment of it). After setting up the tent Baronk walked off a bit and started to look at some strange creature approaching him and then, I could hear his words echo through the storm. Remember me old friend? I used to be your best friend I would even call you my brother. A shiver ran down my spine as I knew exactly who he was talking to. Before they took you from me. I’ve known all my life that Baronk wasn’t a fighter that this would end bad if I didn’t get there in time. Oh god, you don't do you... I'm sorry, I wasn't there to stop them. I saw the weapon… I could have done something, but it just all happened so fast. Letting them take you is something I should have stopped. Please, just say you remember me, the adventures we went on. I tried so hard to protect my friend like he protected me so many times before but the last I hear was. Before the dark times... and then I felt a sharp pain in my right shoulder as darkness overtook me and the only thing on my mind was Baronk. After I woke up in the tent with Baronk ice covered body next to me I couldn’t believe he was dead, my friend my brother gone like that my world froze at that exact moment I I… could only think on how I failed him and then the memory came back to me I was holding the crossbow, I aimed and held my breath to take a better shot. I gently pulled the leaver like I had done so many times before. I shot him through his heart feeling confident he would die... I killed my friend, I shot him down, I failed him, he protected me for so long and now I lost him. I couldn’t take seeing him like that I rushed outside the tent. Hoping the cold would take me as well. Later katara joined me I was too shaken to say anything but having my friends around me made me feel at least something. That night nobody slept, we woke up I left my raven queen dagger I had for so long on the spot were my beloved brother fated. I didn’t even have to chance to say goodbye. We started walking again I was lost in thought and just on autopilot when suddenly the party stopped and spotted dots around us, we circled up and were waiting for an onslaught, but it never came instead small white creatures with black masks rushed to us and started playing with us, they also knew some tricks like Omaria. They seemed friendly and nice so I decided to give them some dragon scales since they seem not having much, so I gave them a nice gift, that seemed like just the thing to do as I think Baronk would do something like that. The thought off him not being around anymore kills me but after sharing my dragon scales the biggest of those creatures came up to me and gave me something it felt strange and warm in a good way don’t really know what it does, but I will figure it out. We camped again, me and Katara took last watches she offered to talk and meditate to the Raven Queen I needed that it felt like I could let go of the bad memories just for a few moments, but that alone helped me so much. we also prayed to the raven queen and in these hard times she answers me with a new little friend a beautiful color raven this meant so much to me it felt like a little piece of Baronk came to visit me I felt comforted knowing she was still watching and aiding me in these sad times. After that I jumped in Katara arms she always has been there for me through all my bad and good moments I promised her to help her with this and I will protect her at all cost. The gods will have to smite me down before I let anything happen to her… any other friend with a little Baronk on my shoulder we continue our direful journey the day itself was nothing special but then Tinkel spotted a ruin in the snow me and the combat masters decide to scout the place out me, Omaria and Tinkel went in to see what was down there, it seemed like an old castle of some sort. Not wanting to leave good supplies behind we called the whole party down sneaking our way to the bottom where we found a room filed with body me and Axton sneaked in to have a look and pick some magical items I spotted. We swiftly took everything useful and got out. But of course, Enys spotted a beautiful crown on top of an ominous skeleton if she would try anything behind our backs again. I swear she would not have made it out alive that room, I can’t have anyone bring my friend family in danger like that again. I have a plan to payback that thing for killing my friend, but I will have to talk to the group about it first. After writing this I still feel like shit but I suppose not much can help against being broken like that I don’t know how much more I can take but without my friends, or rather I should start saying my family, I wouldn’t have made it.          

A goodbye letter to my friend Baronk

My dearest teacher, friend, brother Baronk….. I never had the chance to say goodbye, the guilt of that is eating me alive so I hope this will help, and that you can read this. I’m not a master of words like you are, so finding the right words is a bit harder but here I go. I would like to thank you for everything you did for me there are no words in this universe I can find to describe how grateful I’m to you. I wanted to show you so many times how much you meant to me and repay you for al the great times we had but it’s too late for that now. And all because of me. Now we are never going on another adventure kills me every time I think about it. But we can’t forget the amazing places and things we have seen; do you remember the first time we met I had a rusty dagger that I found in the back of your cart and when you found me I tried to stab you but with the thing being so blunt it did not even hurt you. You started laughing and that was so infectious I even gave a chuckle or when we used to sing songs while we were traveling and camp under tree in summer, but my favorite story still is our adventure on the beaches of Ionia I will never forget those moments. even now the bad day seemed to have a positive note like how we lost each other when we were trying to escape Ur Borm, I still think till this day that it was your plan all along. A plan to get me to my new friend…. Family and that we would meet again. But now I can’t anymore because I couldn’t see what your plan was of being happy with my new friends, no I had to be the leader again and we got in a fight. I was to stubborn to say sorry. So that night shouldn’t have happened you shouldn’t have needed to help and because I was a fool again, you’re not here anymore and I miss you so bad my brother all because I didn’t see what you all did for me, I will make this right. And I promise my friend when I’m done with this, I will give you a proper burial on that beach. I hope with every bit of my heart that on that day we will meet again so we can share all our stories again. But until then I will make sure no one will forget the name of my brother Baronk

We will miss you my friend, but I bit you a good farewell my bother.
With lots of love
the little goblin you found in the back of your cart.
Magnificent Misfits
Level Half-orc
/ 51 HP
Report Date
21 Mar 2021
Primary Location

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