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Session XLIX: The Reichenbach Falls Report

General Summary

The library is a maze in my mind we did the riddle, fought some undeath (The Raven Queen is going to be happy yess yess ). But in our last scrape someone broke the rules I’m naming no names but WHY, after our mad dash to the upper level we soon found out that Axton magical bag idea didn’t have the effect we wanted our speed devils Katara and her friend how is still not real trust rush to see if they were on the pillar’s again there, but to our horror they were not. We all convened back on the upper level to face what we presume would be our end out the deps of the library came the guardian with al his traitor and fear, me and the party was stun by his present but my years with Baronk kick in and started to lied to get us out of there and to everyone’s disbelieve it worked it was like Baronk was smiling upon us. After the mess we made our friend sunlash I think his name was let us out going outs side was with a verry mix feel because of the desavu feeling I had al day beening in the library that purple monster must near and the thought of that makes my skin crawl we found a campsit near the library it could be of the friend killer but I wasn’t sure luckily we traveled a good 3 day but something is wrong with some members of the party my tracking buddy Omaria had a bad moment in the library she said she saw her death sister I can’t even imagine what that feels like but, Katara help me when I was in that bad places so I will do my best helping her feel better we had some nice illusion rest moments I tried to make the feywild but I have know idea what it looks like I hope it helped. The rest of the party kept busy Chaojo seemed to take ok to the group . Near the end of the 3 day we hear some water and we made plans to camp there after some searching my magic wand gave some pings I knew we were fucked I felt a familiar pain in my chest everyone jumped in action but after one of those mind eaters blasted my mind everything went black. When all the sudden I felt warm water all around me and some pushing me but in a good way I woke up in the water nearly drowning. But I was awake and to my surprise Chaojo was holding me after some more chaos the little monster teleported in center of the battlefield we were ready to give it our al to finish this once and for all. But to everyone surprise we hadn’t to all the sudden my lost brother appeared. He walked in his usual manner to the monster that killed him once before but this time it was different purple Skarsnik seemed to show regret of his previous action he even lowered his crossbow. What happened next I can’t even do just describing but im sure Baronk will wired a awesome teal about it but I will keep it short he… he saved me again and give my freedom back no more fear of my own shadow or something that hunting me and my friend. and I will never forget what he done for me and my friend’s. but I have a lot of mix’s feels about what happened last few weeks but any way’s Baronk told me to join the rest of the party in the springs and I think a will                                       
  • skarsnik
  • Campaign
    Magnificent Misfits
    Level Half-orc
    / 51 HP
    Report Date
    03 May 2021
    Primary Location

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