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Session XXVII: Chalk's Wedding Report

General Summary

After all the crazy/scary stuff(dragon’s, klilm busted, almost losing more friends, and losing my mind) that happened last few weeks we finely had something nice to look forward too or I think it’s supposed to be nice I never before went to a wedding or even know what it is. Back in on my shitty home planed we didn’t do them it’s was more like the strong goblins get to pick the female goblin and sooner or later a kid goblin shows up not really romantic or permanent. Apparently weddings is like swearing you love someone ? forever ? what the hell is love even Baronk tried to explain it a bit but I was kind small to understand and there was so much’s stuff he teaches me but love was kind strange he said. So I asked Katara and she was kind shook I asked her so, she did her best to explain but it was kind wired she told me if I like someone and get a funny feeling with someone I maybe love them or I like to be around someone. So I said a like to be around her but she kind look wired at me and asked if I ever had that feel around someone else. I had to think for a bit only person I could think of was Ishra but that maybe she was my only friend for long time, around that time the other joined us and Katara told me we would talk more about it. Then I ask what we were spouse to do and Fithel told me to fuck the bride maid what the fuck are those. After a quick explanation I don’t think any one wants to fuck a goblin I mean I’m the stuff that parents tell too there’s kid’s too scare them so they don’t stay up to long or go to far in the wood so I don’t think this wedding thing is something for me but we will see. So we went to Ensy mom to get to Chalk when we got there, we went to the inn Jarghull went preparing some stuff, almost everybody else went to do something else then we got a invited to go to the castle for a party just with the man ? Okey sure when we got there lord Chalk was there a few guard it was kind boring and it even got weirder went some skimpy girl’s entered the room most of the guards were very happy with that. I on the other hand got the fuck out there and went to do some prank in the castle but that didn’t took too long so I had a plan we could fake fight Ensy I talk about it to Jarghull how was arm wrestling with Fithel he thought it was I fun idea so I went and told her the plan we got lord Chalk and the guards it stared good and fun but that Ensy used here sleepy breath and lord Chalk got knock out and that when it when side way. So we went back to the castle to do some more boring stuff. I wonder what the girl are up to but anyways the next afternoon was it finely time for the wedding Jarghull prepared a beautiful ceremony and when I thought it was over we had to party AGAIN. this time with every body it did took long before we all got split up Katara was gone quickly withes was a same kind wanna had a dance with her. Jarghull Ensy and Tegain were busy with something. The little guy was shitfaced the only person looking as awkward as me was Omaira so I collected my self and asked her for a dance’s we both were beginner’s and the size differs did help ether but we had fun and that what count’s. after that everything became somewhat a blur the drink’s were maybe a little to much’s .  
  woke up with a few coin’s in my bed and a hangover that I didn’t like. We went to the afternoon breakfast table and Jarghull had some news. HE IS LEAVEING maybe ? lord Chalk had a special job for hem and it seemed something that he really wanted to do. the group was kind of in chaos and the discussion wasn’t clear so I thought as leader of this awesome group maybe we should vote for it to make it clear to Jarghull that we are going to miss hem but that he can do the job and enjoy his new family. But as soon as I said as leader most of the members turned on me. Say I’m not the leader and that we don’t need a leader even asking me why I should be the leader. So I told that is was kind the face( or may face’s) of the group and not to mention in got them safe of Granviles and many more thing’s but when Jarghul told me I had to be responsible for my action and the action of the group I didn’t understand any thing that would bring the party in danger I did alone and most of the stuff I did that was dangerous, helped the party big time. So I was even more on edge after that accusation but when I looked to Katara for help she just stab me in the back I trusted her and she just left me in the dust like that. I didn’t know how I felt after that hurt kind betrayed. I always was a loser and loner, I finely found I group were I thought meant something more than just a other goblin that good at killing and stealing but apparently not. It also didn’t help that I have the feeling I’m losing my friend again Katara is acting distend(and stab me in the back), Jarghull is leaving, Hamas is gone(and maybe looking to kill us), also Ishra maybe not coming back, and how knows what the rest of the party is planning. I think I’m just be paranoid but I just don’t know I’m scared I just don’t want to end up alone again. We will see how it go’s further I think I maybe need some time to think alone maybe sleep in the forest like I use to do with Ishra maybe this will show me how far I have come and that it’s not al that bad still kind mad about the hole leader thing. We are going to the dragon horde after this something I also fix but hey im just a goblin he!
Magnificent Misfits
Jarghull Nabaal
Level Half-orc
/ 51 HP
Report Date
29 Oct 2020

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