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Session XXXVI: Welcome to the jungle! Report

General Summary

So my unusual (somewhat) nice dream was and wasn’t a dream at the same time let me elaborated yess yess. So I woke up kind grumpy after the hole left behind thing for a golden dick of a god and abandoning my friend because I can’t see proper (never knew two working eye where so important). But when I kind bitchy told Katara about it she seemed to had the same dream somehow. Ensy, Omaria, Axton, Filthel and Bonfire also seemed to recall some events, but then proceed to call me crazy girlfriend for be so grumpy about a charged dream. But then it all changed when Barnok told us it was a party and not just a charged dream and not just any party but a party of the god’s (or at least not so cool one’s (fuck you Morpheus)) so I’m not a crazy girlfriend, Katara was verry must a meany to me and I can and will be mad about it yess yess. but before I could go being moody/grumpy and take care of the only things seeming to love me. (my plants) We had to plan our next move and to my surprise it went waaaaay faster than I thought possible (luckily because I really wanted to go c(ry)are of my plant) Most of us wanna land near Khenitra do a fast supplies grab and go to the storm. Axton wasn’t trilled about it but I think he has the wrong image of Ur Born it total chaos down there and if we mange to sneak bye we gonna be fine I think. So after that agreement, Hamas jump bye for some reason(can shake it has something to do with the little one) but he was carrying a gift for me he mange to upgrade my crossbow and it look amazing but I need to get used to it I think. After all that business I finely mange to go to my room to think about what happened and what to come. For the time I was alone In my room I couldn’t stop thing about the rest of my friend. Ensy and her mother stuff where she cant talk about. Axton also seems to have stuff he think about that contract with Hamas looks like a bad idea to me but he is smart enough. bonfire and the big boy are a mystery to me and I don’t understand why the hell the wanna join us on a crazy mission. Omaria is enjoying herself I ques, I mean a date with your goddess how gives you gifts and is like really nice to us what more do you want. And finely Katara we kind had a nice talk yesterday about how I’m kind scared she and the other will see how my home planet is, and see me as something different something cruel, evil, or just a backstabbing thief and I know that I don’t really show that I care about everybody in the party but I I kinda maybe really do and it would break me if they see me that way, but she was nice and calm about and told me she likes me the way I’m even if I look like I have been true hell and back (I know I’m not the hottest one, but I try oke!). and those words met a lot to me. But releasing that it maid all been a lie hurted me deep, but before I could think any further she already was in my room. First she try to play it off as just a dream (like she killing me in my dream I ques) but it wasn’t just a dream and when she realized I wasn’t just grumpy but hurt she saided it wasn’t a big deal that made it worse and we both stood on the point of losing it and be realy mad about it. and to be frank if it was any other person I probably would have been really pist about it, and when it was about to go down we kind both broke down is a word for it. neither of us wanted to hurt each other and both of us had some stress to work true, so when I was about to be ready to accepted that I was just not welcome in most normal people life’s and let her of the hook. She started to share some story about here past and why we really are look for the orb. The way she talked and look at me made me feel like I ran straight in to a wall, everting hurted I have been a terrible friend to her and this whole thing was just a mess that could have gong much’s worse. One thing I know for sure know we are gonna find that orb and I will support her and this group all the way to even if it cost my life. After that emotional day there was a senses of purpose on the ship everybody was making ready for the land doing work out, praying, making stuff and then the moment of my nightmares we made it. Everybody went to their usual spots with other team work we mange to sneak by a ship of Gruumsh and land somewhat near Khenitra. But of course this wouldn’t be my shit show of a planet with out a soggy bad smelling welcome the ship touched down and not even 5 min later we were attacked by the grass on this planet. huge piles of grass and plants that are slamming there way towards us. After a few rough min and some good moves from all of us(mostly Omaria something strange is going on with her, maybe she did stab me back there mmmmm) we scared them off but at cost our big guy almost kind die in the first hour being on this planet. Can’t be good for moral for the poor dude. After me and my hopefully still best buddy hammered on a short rest we took our stuff and had to the village only to be greeted by ghost on our way there my instinct was to shoot them but we decided to stay calm and keep moving. some scares later we made it to the village waiting in front of a closed gate
Magnificent Misfits
Jarghull Nabaal
Level Half-orc
/ 51 HP
Report Date
28 Jan 2021
Primary Location

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