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Session XXXVIII: Guides and Grasses Report

General Summary

MM log date 4th of Unembruary, 4403

Interesting turn of events. 2 of the members, Katara and (surprisingly) Filthel, woke up at the elven wizard's house. I expect they might be having some memory issues due to the heavy drinking they partook in the previous night, but she was at least able to prevent their cephalalgy. After a quick breakfast in The Fine Rope Inn they divvied their errands and split up. Katara and Omaira went to, unsuccesfully, investigate the disappearance of Zhen Ghuo, the other water temple monk, on the docks and afterwards went to, succesfully, pick up their warm furs. Bonfire and Filthel were tasked with finding a worthy and, most importantly, cheap guide that will take them at least to the storm. Preferably through it as well. They came up with a couple of different options but waited to regroup before making any decisions. A very peculiar event happened whilst they went to The Sanctuary of The Oak. Filthel went up to the oak tree in the middle and had a very interesting conversation with Adhana, the keeper of the sanctuary. However, what is most peculiar about this whole event is that whilst he reached out and touched the tree, a very powerful force reached out. Quite clearly showing an interest and showing it. Now even I couldn't read the origin of the force. So I'm not sure if it's from divine origin, most probably Melora. Or some other kind of creature that is very powerful in putting up wards or has gained some more advanced form of magical power, although this is unlikely.
Meanwhile skarsnik and Axton flew on the back of enys, with Tinkel, to retrieve the 13-N4/VY and dock it in Khenitra. This operation seemed much more difficult than initially thought. Encountering 2 much larger shambling mounds. Resulting in a nearly destroyed ship and them barely escaping, not to mention they forget Tinkel. A mild panic and emergency plan resulted in enys saving them just in time.
During a quick regroup in The Fine Rope at lunchtime they talk to Teller, whom they noticed during breakfast in the morning as well. She offers them a loan but they seem unfamiliar with business deals and decline the generous offer. Next up they decide on the issue of their guide. They decide Klonk, by far the most experienced guide, is too expensive. They try to convince gnome bards Gralin & Fronkel to guide them but after driving down the price by a considerable amount they turn down their offer. And, despite promising to do so, do not contact Powder. The rest of the day they spent gathering information with Maesiesz, the bards and buying potions and a book from the local potioner's.
The rest of the day was also quite a waste of time if you'd ask me, I'll contact them in a couple of days. When they're not too far from entering.
Tl, aol Adpspnoa vm aol Nvkz pz jvtpun huk aolf hyl uva wylwhylk.
Magnificent Misfits
Level Half-orc
/ 51 HP
Report Date
11 Feb 2021
Primary Location

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