Cleric Profession in Corive | World Anvil


  Many religions have clerics, but very few individuals are truly the chosen of their gods. Many are wandering members of a priesthood looking to help people beyond the reach of temples or in small communities where a large number of temples would be an extravagance.  


As a living and mortal representation of their deity, each is percieved by the masses to a similar manner as the deity. For example, a member of the Order of the Dead's Rest is seen as an extension of the Watcher of Graves and are often treated in a more formal manner than most of the clerics to other Thydian deities because they have the ability to bring the dead to a battlefield as undead defenders if a community is in a desperate situation.


Clerics of "conflicting" gods may engage in debate over the moralities of their respective deity, such as followers of Zyrian in the Tormian pantheon and followers of the Watcher of Graves debate over the morality of allowing undead to continue existing or ensuring a permanent death.
Undeath is a disruptions of the cycle of life and death! The soul does not move on when it is held in the mortal world.
The undead is only undead because they had some unfinished purpose.
Oh? And what about those who did not wish to be brought back and are just mindless shambling husks?
Those are not undead, they're reanimated beings need to be put to rest. The forcibly returned generally find their own way back to their graves and to inflict punishment on their reanimators.

Purpose and Service

Clerics generally agree on a definition of their livelihood as "To be a conduit between the gods and other mortals while also working to improve society in alignment to the tenets of my deity."   Some clerics believe they have to be an active role in the plans of their deity, though few in that number will say they know exactly what those plans are. A Ringmaster from the Laughing Circus may believe the best expression of Freedom's tenets for a person to do what makes them happiest as an expectation for the Circus to make others happy, while another Ringmaster may believe it means providing a place for people to do what makes them happiest.

Social Status

The roles of a cleric in regards to their social standing changes from culture to culture and which period of time.
The Adrakian Empire

The clerics serving the Adrakian Pantheon were a ruling class with each Priesthood's High Priest being the mortal rulers with direct oversight from the draconic gods.

Most Adrakian priests were eradicated by groups of rebels reinstating their own cultural gods, though some small pockets of "dragon worshipping cultists" have persisted. Certain Orders dedicate themselves towards the removal of those cultists.

The Five Cities

Clerics in the Five Cities assist in educating the younger members of each family associated directly with the Council of Families as to ensure the future leaders of the cities will govern in accordance to their gods.


The Goltharine Guilds are tied to their six gods - Judgement, Freedom, Truth, Secrets,Justice, and Control as each guild is a type of priesthood. Clerics in Goltheris are typically mentors to new members of the guilds who teach the tenets of their deity and how the guild follows those tenets.

The Unified Theydim

As a society scarred by the Adrakian Empire's fall, clerics in Theydim do not have a hold on politics, though some organizations may claim to be on a divine task while also gathering political influence. In general, the Gods of Theydim are considered the gods of people as a whole, and leave Nature as a being to appease and make peace with as neighbors. As a result, most Clerics wander Theydim to find how they can help people and nature coexist with each other - though the clerics of the Watcher are less inclined to wander and stay in place to assist with funeral duties.

The Kingdom of Tormyra

Unlike their neighbors to the north, Tormians believe society is a part of nature, and divide the world as such. The Holy Trinity represent the core of all beings and all of nature- fear and courage, strength and domination, wisdom and secrets - and then have nine deities who represent natural forces and forces of society. Tormian Clerics seek balance between the extremes of their deities' domains. From the balance, order can be found and must be defended.

The Osiaric Empire

The deities of the Osiaric Empire are entirely nature based, and provide challenges for mortals to overcome. Clerics who dedicate themselves to a deity consider themselves to be continually tested, and provide aid to others facing tests from the gods.

Cover image: by Lyraine Alei, Midjourney


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Jul 27, 2022 01:39 by Tim Day

Nice article... i love the overview of the different deities/religions of the areas of your world. And totally makes me realise i need to do something similar for my world... a place where gods are real and I have barely explored it! Inspiring :-)

Jul 27, 2022 05:20 by Lyraine Alei

I'm glad you enjoyed it! I found I have a lot of empty places that will need writing as well. XD Here's hoping it inspires you in ways that won't cause pain (I cried in dispair for a moment because I wasn't sure I'd have enough words and enough places to do my article the the regions any justice)

Lyraine, Consumer of Lore, She/Her, primary project: Corive
Oct 6, 2022 11:13 by Tobias Linder

I genuinely liked the little debate note about the different states of undeath. Not exactly something that often discussed.

Oct 6, 2022 22:25 by Lyraine Alei

It's one of those Early Made ideas that I hang a lot of the currently available cultural differences between Theydim and Tormyra on before I branched out more (I wanted one deity who was Classic Undead Hunting, and one who was relaxed about the process)

Lyraine, Consumer of Lore, She/Her, primary project: Corive