Saint Antral's Rebels
Today, we fight to free ourselves from the tyranny of an Empire that no longer cares for us and only wants to take and take! Today, we fight so our children never have to fear us being taken from them and chained without memories of who we are for centuries after they've already passed. Today, we tear down the false gods because we have the backing and blessing of the true Gods of Thydians for they have spoken and said we must move before all is lost! Today? Today is the day the Empire falls!
The rebellion led by Saint Antral stood mostly on the basis of the Empire being led by false gods who used magic to appear divine, and the discovery of ruins that appeared older than the Empire and had no mention of the Empire's gods to instead worship other deities.
The Order of Speared Light has preserved one of the Rebellion banners - a pair of triangular mountain peaks with three stylized dragon skulls facing forward, left, and right.
Gotta love how she's like "Oh, I discovered these ancient gods" and suddenly those gods go "Oh my! I guess we should get to work! Here, be our champion!" Awfully convenient, don't you think?
Hmmm, maybe, who knows? *evil cackles*