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Paige Ellis-Ventral

Paige Ellis-Ventral

Long flowing snow colored hair draped over the porcelain shoulders as she stared at herself in the mirror, carnelian eyes looked at her as she waited for them to turn into the violet ones from the past. Every morning she would do this, stare at herself waiting for Ava to come back. Soft hands grasped at her shoulders as she felt warmth seep into her mind and body, sighing as she let go of the need to look at herself in the mirror she turned her eyes up. Staring at her husband for a moment as he bent forward about to kiss her when a noise of a little one clearing her throat surfaced in their ears causing them to turn. Smiling softly the woman held out her hand for the little girl standing in the doorway holding the stuffed bunny tightly in her grasp, as the girl came forward words came out of the woman's mouth soft and listful. "I have told you before Belle, you can come in if you want." The little girl's eyes the same as her own looks up at her then makes a face using her own voice to give words. "I know but I don't want to see you kissing daddy all the time... Yuck!" The woman giggles then starts to tickle the little girl a happy smile on all there faces but a glint in the woman's eyes still give way to an unseen worry.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition


Body Features

A scar under her right breast where Demetri had to stab her for the ritual.

Facial Features

She has a scar on her left cheek which Ava gave her one time when she blacked-out in front of Demetri to prove she could harm Paige whenever she wanted.

Identifying Characteristics

A tattoo of a mage's eye on one of her shoulders with a raven in it and a bell next to it.

Physical quirks

Usually never wears her hair up in any style.

Apparel & Accessories

Paige wears a special type of mage robes that Demetri had made for her, they fall off of her shoulders and make her look more oriental in design then the other mage robes in the school. Her robes are also a red color so Demetri can pick her out in a crowd easier.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Paige Ellis was born in a blaze of glory, literally. One day a woman from the town of Rikar noticed a fire burning in the Black Forest near town as she and a few of the townsfolk went to put the fire out... there she was a baby in a basket unsinged and unharmed. From that day forward Paige sort of became a piranha to the people in the town of Rikar, told to bring about the end. Only the woman who spotted her in the field took her for what she was a lost babe with no family and no life, as Paige got older though she found others that saw the goodness in her as well... Zanna the girl who looked strangely like her twin and Ira the boy she soon developed a crush on, but as a heart changes and grows with new emotion darkness tends to seep in. A power was growing within Paige that she did not like and it was becoming increasingly harder to control it, especially with Zanna getting closer to Ira. As a last ditch effort she went to Demetri, Zanna's babysitter and guardian. The man at first refused especially since both had a hate relationship with him... but something happened.. Paige blacked out and the next thing she knew Demetri was trying everything to help her. It was then that Paige was able to learn something very shocking, she looked exactly like the woman that had killed Demetri all those years ago when he was alive and stole his power.
  Paige could not believe this was coincidence so she spent many nights thinking on the strange way she was 'born' and how she felt something in the back of her mind she never wanted to interact with. Against Demetri's wishes she probed the back of her mind to find out what it is instantly regretting it, it seems somehow the soul of the woman that killed Demetri was inside of Paige. As the name Avalon Dessari came to the whispered thoughts in Paige's mind she figured out that is what happened when she blacked out and any blackouts since. Ava was taking over her body to 'talk' to Demetri. Demetri swore he would find a way to get rid of Ava but they were both still trying to figure out how she had gotten there in the first place. As time went by and mounds of research was had Demetri realized he had been looking at the whole situation wrong, they had been thinking Paige's body was Ava's but what if Ava had been like Demetri before he became Khem's familiar floating in the cosmos. At this thought all of Paige's power and the fact Ava was in her body started to click and make sense.
  You see Paige was indeed the rebirthed form of Ava with all the magic even the stuff stolen from Demetri intact, but all that power born in a baby's body with no where to go had well adverse effects. As Demetri explained to Paige that as a baby her power had probably gotten completely out of control causing her to maybe teleport to the woods near Rikar, set the fire... and maybe do something else... Maybe a lonely baby wanted a friend. A familiar of sorts. But as the baby called out to something familiar to cling to the body which had been reborn from Ava called out to her soul... and since Ava was such a bitch.. she refused to take a physical form and just stowed herself away in Paige's body pushing back the power until the time was right to control her and take over completely. Even though they knew what was up with her Paige and Demetri still had no idea how to sperate Paige and Ava completely.
  It was at this time Ava was getting fed up and started pushing for Paige to give her control, the girl was having more and more black-outs where Ava was trying to choke out Demetri and try to kill him or seduce him. Paige started to worry and even ran away for a time to keep herself from killing him which made Demetri even angrier when he found out where she ran to.... Ava had somehow lead her straight to the ruins of Demetri's mansion where she had killed him and drained him during a ritual, both of them were fed up so started looking through books that past Demetri had sifting through all the details thinking maybe the ritual could remove Ava from Paige. The one issue was it might kill Paige in return, in the end though reluctant Paige convinced Demetri that it was worth the shot. During the ritual Paige blacked out all hell broke loose and well things went to hell in a hand basket... But somehow Demetri did it. He saved Paige and removed Ava.. but he also removed all of Paige's magic but a small sliver making her just an average human sorceress able to learn more if she chose.
  In the end Demetri agreed to help teach her magic but Paige refuses to do one thing and that is she is never calling out for a familiar again.  

Gender Identity





Paige herself does not have much of an education, mostly what she was taught at home by her 'mother'. She does have flash memories of her past though that hold pockets of information from Ava that help from time to time since Ava was a full fledged Archmage herself with an extensive education.


Paige was a guild member for the Rikar Wolves, but when she married Demetri she became like his secretary for the Mage-Eye Academy.

Accomplishments & Achievements

A lot has been accomplished during Paige's life, she has learned to control the massive power that was left within her when Ava was banished. Also she was helpful in banishing Ava in the first place even though her life force could have been completely banished as well. In the end she was also able to thaw the frozen heart of a man she loves dearly and keep him close to her despite Ava.

Failures & Embarrassments

Too many to count.

Mental Trauma

Paige has a big group of mental trauma basically due to the fact that she is the reborn embodiment of Avalon Dessari, the Archmage who killed Demetri in the past. Ava showed Paige a lot of memories Paige did not understand, involving her killing Demetri and being a power hungry bitch. Not only that but Paige has never known her real family and never really understood where she has come from, plus being a outcast from birth has helped.

Personality Characteristics


Her family.

Likes & Dislikes

Demetri, Belle, Zanna.   Ava, Familiars, Magic at times.


Contacts & Relations


Family Ties



Paige Ellis-Ventral

Wife (Vital)

Towards Demetrious Ventral



Demetrious Ventral

Husband (Vital)

Towards Paige Ellis-Ventral




Paige and Demetri met at the Rikar Wolves Guild and instantly... became enemies. Demetri hated Paige's looks and Paige hated his foul mouth. In the end though after a very long journey both came to see the good in each other. It was after Ava was removed from Paige that she was able to finally tell Demetri how she felt though.

Nicknames & Petnames

Paige sometimes calls Demetri 'Raven Boy.' Which is a slash at his familiar body he has.

Legal Status


Paige Ellis-Ventral

Reborn Embodiment (Important)

Towards Avalon Dessari



Avalon Dessari

Past Life (Important)

Towards Paige Ellis-Ventral




Ava is the past soul that Paige had in her body, she was also the one that killed Demetri in the past. Paige did not know about Ava until after she blacked-out once with Demetri finding out Ava had surfaced to threaten him to stay away from the girl. Paige hates Ava and hates the fact that she looks like her which Demetri has to constantly reassure Paige he is fine with.

Nicknames & Petnames

Paige calls Ava 'Bitch Mage' and refuses to call her by her name.

Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Date of Birth
17th of Nithem
Year of Birth
1360 25 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Paige was found in the middle of a fire in the forest, she was unharmed and completely unaffected since that moment people saw her as a bad omen and treated her as thus.
Circumstances of Death
Parents (Adopting)
Demetrious Ventral (Husband)
Avalon Dessari (Past Life)
Current Residence
Tovawen, Cerulia
Snow, Long, Straight
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Belle do me a favor never be like your mom and auntie Zanna, okay?"   "Ava? Oh you mean Bitch Mage."   "Don't you dare ever ask me to summon a familiar again."   "Familiars suck ass."
Aligned Organization
Known Languages

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