Alei of the Golden Hair

Alei (a.k.a. Keeper of Truths, Tapestry Weaver)

Sebastian found himself on a path of golden sand, warm beneath his feet.  Looking around he gave a sigh upon seeing the majestic oaks.  The clearing ahead of him spanned an area fifty feet across, a fire pit and altar were slightly offset from the center.  A lone figure stood in the circle with their back to Sebastian, wearing a long cerulean blue robe.  Their golden locks flowed down their back.    "My, my, my took you long enough.  There is going to be a time when your desire to protect Eldrick must be held in check, let him defend himself or he will never become the person meant for you.  Trust is what’s needed.  This is not an easy task I am placing on you, but just when he needs you most you will not be there and this is as it must be."    With these words, the figure turned to face him.  The ageless eyes and youthful appearance conflicting.  This was no mere mortal in front of him but a member of the Eldritch.  This particular Eldritch being was the one you hoped to never encounter.  This was Alei the Eldritch of truth and prophecy.  She was the one to hold the weaves of fate in her hands.    As she turned, Sebastian took an involuntary step backwards.  Legends told that there was no escape from a member of the Eldritch.  Sebastian sat down hard.    This couldn’t be Alei.  Alei was a dragon of Cerulean scales and golden highlights.  As he thought this, her features morphed from an ageless woman into the majestic dragon he knew her to be.  This was Alei from the time of the unending war, she was killed trying to intervene between members of all three races, a spear pierced her heart, an arrow through her eye, and the worst, dragon fire.  The dragon fire was considered the worst because the dragon creed is that you never turn on one of your own.  To make it worse it was her brother.    He didn’t like her warning, nonetheless, he knew she couldn't be ignored.  With a nod of her head, she turned and faded out of his sight.    “Love is based on trust and understanding.”  Her words echoed through the air from all directions. 
— Excerpt from The Corrigenda Chronicles: HOPE by Brianna Healey aka Siobhanthewriter

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Alei chooses to show herself in human guise so she hide her scars. When she is in her dragon form the scarring from the fire is evident on her face. Half of her face is burnt to the bone. She also bears the wounds of the arrow through her eye and the spear through her chest.

Special abilities

Alei can see through any falsehood and remove someone who is disturbing the weave and weft of the pattern.

Apparel & Accessories

When in her human guise she wears a cowled dress with the cowl up to hide the side her face. She carries a pair of golden shears hanging from her belt.

Specialized Equipment

Her golden shears are enchanted to cut the threads of magic and life.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Alei was born during the Unending War. It was all she knew since she died at the very end. Because of her honesty, skill, and the cause of her death she became one of the Edlritch. As one of the 'divine' beings she is tasked with passing along hard truths to those who need to hear them. She doesn't enjoy the task of passing this information along because she hates seeing the hurt in others eyes.

Mental Trauma

She suffers everytime she has to cull someone from the tapestry, and release their soul from the body to call them home.


The moment of her own demise is a painful memory she has to carry as an Eldritch. The fatal blow was delivered by her own brother's fire breath.

Morality & Philosophy

For Alei honesty is the only thing to strive for. Even during her life prior to raising, Alie struggled with uttering a falsehood.


Alei is incapable of lying.



Alei chooses her words carefully in order to mitigate the sting of the truth she must speak.

Honorary & Occupational Titles

Tapestry Weaver


Alei of the Sharp Tongue


Truth Keeper

Date of Death
Place of Death
Where the borderlands of Herigmark and Craglim Reach would be one day.
Depending on the form she takes either a Dragon with cerulean scales and golden highlights or a human female with long blond hair in a cerulean cowled dress.
ancient looking
Long golden locks
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
In human guise ivory skin
Young Alie in Dragon form by Brianna Haley


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