Arabuga Trees

My Liege;
My ship was beached on the Isle of Misfortune when we were caught by a tsunami. We were running low on fresh water and I sent some of my men into the interior to find some. All but one man was lost to the isle. The lone survivor returned to the ship muttering incoherently about the trees coming alive and eating the others. We finished what repairs we could without harvesting any additional wood. Those who went to cut down trees did not return. We found the axes of the men and women on the shore near the ship. Their heads were chipped, cracked, and melted. I know they were the same axes because of the markings on them.   It is my humble opinion that the Isle of Misfortune be off limits to all. Of a crew of fifty-five, my ship and I hobbled into the harbour with only fifteen left on board.   Your humble servant, former Captain Ibani of the Merryman
— Letter penned from Captain Ibani to His Imperial Majesty Tokahama in the year 957 ATO

Basic Information

Biological Traits

The seedlings start with needles not leaves, at around fifteen years old the needles drop off and the leaves start budding.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Arabuga trees are a cross-pollinating species, needing the Drus and the Dryads to help in the pollination. Their seeds need magma in order to open and germinate. They are considered to be mature at twenty years old.

Growth Rate & Stages

Arabuga Trees go through the following stages, seeds to sprouts to seedlings to saplings to mature. Seeds can be dormant for many years, they become sprouts after their first encounter with magma. They are sprouts for five years, during this time they are covered in pale bark and fine needles. Upon reaching seedlings, they start developing black spots on their bark similar to paper birch. This stage of their growth last for another five years. Upon reaching ten years old they become saplings. Arabuga Trees start developing leaves during the sapling stage. They are saplings for ten years when they reach maturity. At fifteen years of age the needles fall off the saplings, the needles regrow but drop every fifteen years afterwards. Once the trees reach twenty years of age they are considered mature. Mature trees flower every five to seven years producing large violet blossoms which last for two months, though they rarely produce seeds without outside assistance from either the Drus or the Dryads.

Ecology and Habitats

These trees have developed survival traits in accordance with their environment. They are heat resistant to the point that the magma from the local volcanoes actually feed them. When the volcanoes erupt the magma flows are devoured by the Arabuga Trees.


With the regularity of earthquakes on the isle, Arabuga Trees developed the abitilty to pull their roots free from the ground in order to relocate in the case of a rift developing where they had been growing.


When a tsunami hits the island and Arabuga Trees become uprooted through the force of the water, they are capable of replanting themselves wherever they land.


There has yet to be discovered an Arabuga Tree that has died of old age or environmental causes. They have an inate magical ability to draw upon the energies of Corrigenda to protect themselves from pests.


Humans who land on the island become food for the Arabuga Trees. The trees will ensnare them and incorporate them into their heartwood. Why it is they only "eat" humans remains a mystery, however, it is rumoured the trees remember the cut of their axes.

Dietary Needs and Habits

As mentioned above, volcanism feeds these trees increasing and darkening their outer bark.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Arabuga Trees are found only on the Isle of Misfortune. This is due to the development of their survival traits.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Arabuga Trees can sense the slightest vibration on the Isle of Mistfortune. This informs them of when they need to loosen their roots in preparation for earthquakes, and when there are interlopers on the island.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Due to the fact that the Arabuga Trees were the origin of both the Drus and the Dryad before the Isle was seperated by the cataclysm, they require pollen from either ethnicity to fertilize them.

200 to 2000+ years
Average Height

They grow from 100 to 500 feet tall.

Body Tint, Colouring and Marking

The bark on these trees starts out as a pale white papery cover for the first ten years. They then start to darken into a thick black and red bark. The older the tree is the more red in the bark.


The Arabuga Tree has a combination of needles and leaves. The leaves vary in colour from yellow to burgandy, while the needles are a bluish silver colour.

Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities
All images created by myself on Nightcafe


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Jul 23, 2024 21:24 by Mar Qaroll

Goodness, how did you come up with such extensive info! I'm impressed.

Aug 7, 2024 15:25 by Marc Zipper

What my amazing tree able to survive all types of horse environments and feed off of volcano that's an amazing idea

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