Isle of Misfortune

Seedlings, pay attention. I know you will find this boring, but it will be vital for your very survival. The Isle of Misfortune is a very special place for our kind. Growing on the isle is a very important tree which we need to procreate.
— Drus elder to a group of young Drus and Dryads


The Island is covered with volcanoes, mountains, rolling plains and gorgeous blue lakes.


The island is home to the Council of Wyrms when they need to have a clandestine meeting. Otherwise all that is on the island is plantlife.

Localized Phenomena

The island is wracked by volcanic eruptions, devastating earthquakes, and Tsunamis. They suffer these every few months to the point where the island is split, sunken, or buried in ash and magma.


The volcanic eruptions can either be violent top blowing expulsions, or smaller magma vents leaking over the land.


The number and strength of the earthquakes which ravage the island are strong enough to rend the mountains, cause fissures to cut through the island.


Tsunamis, and hurricanes are known to rip trees from the ground, and flood valleys and lowlands.


The climate of the island is extreme and unpredictable. Though the island is tropical in nature, there are glaciers on some of the highest mountain peaks.

Fauna & Flora

The localized flora of the island have adapted to their environment in ways that ensure they survive.


One such plant is the Arabuga Tree.


The isle was once part of the mainland before the cataclysm of 2650 BTO, which started the Unending War. When the triple eclipse happened, the pull on the land ripped the island away from the mainland and created a new techtonic plate. This created an earthquake prone landmass. Amazingly enough the plant life on the island was not extingushed like the majority of the rest of the land.


The island was shrouded in mist for millenium and was not known to exist until after the mist cleared away. The Dragons were the first to locate it, but the isle soon became contested by the Kingdom of Shay. The Dragons decided to allow Shay to claim the island as part of their land even though the Dragons had already began using it for the Council of Wyrms. The people of Shay soon learned that stepping onto the island was not a safe proposition.


Due to the violence of the natural phenomena, humans are forbidden from setting foot on the island. Those foolish enough to dare the island are never seen again.
Alternative Name(s)
Calamity Island
Owning Organization
Contested By
Inhabiting Species


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Jul 23, 2024 21:19 by Mar Qaroll

Lots of detail in this one. I like it!