
As seen in

Belladonna (a.k.a. Everrett)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in the slums of Kaligorn to evade the Queen's hunters when she began her familial cleansing. He is the second cousin of the Queen. He grew up on the streets until he reached the age of twelve. At twelve he travelled to the castle to look for employment and was taken in as a royal page.


After becoming a page he started binding his breasts to prevent being outed to the castle staff. He preformed the duties of a page for eight years before he was discovered. His discovery was a very unpleasant experience for him and ended up with him in the castle infirmary. Shortly afterwards the head healer, Tamsin, was forced to flee the castle with Everrett in order to protect him from the queen and head chef, who had requested he be transfered to the kitchens from the pages.


The head chef, Elmer, was the reason Everrett was outed. In the discovery he assaulted Everrett severely enough to cause both physical and mental trauma. Elmer had a particular nasty habit of rotating through the kitchen staff in an abusive manner.


Tamsin and Everrett left the castle and travelled the back roads to the small town where her aunt lived. It was there that Everrett met the Duchess, Rose du Plaint. She was acting as a simple girl coming to learn medicine from Tamsin. In the course of Rose's training Everrett learned to trust again and fell in love with Rose though he thought it was not going to work out due to the differences in their stations. Rose wouldn't let that reasoning lie; she was as enamored of him as he was of her.


They were wed under the sky by the Journeyman Druid Eldrick about six months after they met. Eldrick's final act as a Journeyman was the depositioning of Queen Amsarill and crowning the new monarchs of Craglim Reach, Rose and Everrett.

Gender Identity

Everrett having been born as female has never felt feminine in any way. He has always been masculine and thus dressed and presented male since he could choose his own clothing at the age of six when his mother told him to run, be himself, and don't look back.


Everrett is demisexual and demiromantic, that is he must form an intellectual bond with someone before he can form a romantic or sexual bond. He is also very loyal to his partner since she was the only one to see him for himself right from the start.


Everrett's formal education came from his time as a page in the palace halls, before that he was enrolled in the school of hard knocks.

Accomplishments & Achievements

The accomplishment Everrett holds the most dear was finding his true love and winning her heart. Well, more to say finding his love and learning to trust her with his own heart.

Failures & Embarrassments

For Everrett the failure to protect himself from Elmer was a huge turning point in his life. It destroyed part of who he was that he has been rebuilding ever since.

Mental Trauma

Everrett suffers from Post Traumatic Stress, an inability to trust and fear of men.

Intellectual Characteristics

Everrett has a way of thinking about situations when he is clear headed that is unlike the normative collective way of thinking. This is due to his life experiences of trauma and survival.

Morality & Philosophy

Everrett believes that everyone should be given a chance to prove themselves regardless of station in life. Also once proven untrustworthy they should be removed from any positions of powerthey are in.


Having experienced both sides of this particular coin from people in authority above him while he was an employee at the Palace, he understands the risks some are willing to take to do what they consider right no matter the consequences.


Oathbreaking is the one thing Everrett cannot abide. Once his word is given he will do everything in his power to follow through with it. This means he is willing to forgo his own pleasures and desires to fullfill his pledge.


Family Ties

Through his marriage to Rose du Plaint he found himself related to King Daividh.


Francine Du Plaint Everrett's Mother-in-law was displeased to learn her only daughter had wed without her knowledge or consent and blamed Everrett for it until she saw how happy her daughter was with him. Her original opinion of Everrett was that he was low-born

Social Aptitude

Everrett speaks with aplomb and decisiveness when he has something to say. He chooses his words with care and tact to ensure there is no ambiguity in what he has said. He is humble and dedicated to all the endeavours to which he pursues. His humility does not hide arrogance, Everrett knows he is lucky to hold whatever position he is in, whether it be as a page in Queen Amsarill's service or as the Monarch of Craglim Reach.


When Queen Amsarill was found guilty and executed for her crimes by the Druid Order, Everrett was surprised to find himself elevated to the throne. He never knew his true family line since his mother died when he was a very young child. With the Queen's ruthless murder of any relative she could find in order to ensure her everlasting hold on the throne Everrett was orphaned and forced to live on the streets.


Everrett is always respectful to those to whom he is speaking, whether they are nobles or commoners. He has learned that respect does not necessarily mean deference. Everrett talks with his hands when they are not occupied in some form or another.


Everrett is a soft spoken individual, rarely saying much unless he deems it to be important. This means that when he does speak people pay attention to what he has to say.



Husband (Vital)

Towards Rose du Plaint



Rose du Plaint

Wife (Vital)

Towards Everrett




Third cousin once removed (Trivial)

Towards Queen Amsarill



Queen Amsarill

Third cousin once removed (Important)

Towards Everrett




Everrett and the Queen's relationship is unkown to either party other than that of Monarch and servant.

Circumstances of Birth
Everrett's mother travelled to the slums of Kaligorn from the city of Tervain to hide the birth of her child from the Queen. When born he was assigned female at birth.
Kaligorn slums
Assigned Female at Birth
Ice blue
Shoulder length dark brown hair
Aligned Organization


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Jul 23, 2024 21:23 by Mar Qaroll

I think I remember him. Yeah, that was...horrible, what happened to him. Glad to see he's fallen in love, though!!