Adamant City

Adamant is the captiol city of Diamond and the home of Simon Albrecht. The seat of political power on the moon, Adament is also home to a thriving mercenary community, the two most powerful guilds of which being the Salty Bastards and the Megaladons. The city was once known for its shipbuilding industry, but he decimation of Diamond's timber population by a disease called Hog Rot has slowed that sector of its economy.   The city is shared by Homyn and the Hanzir vassal race, the latter of which are largely confined to guild hals and a district known as Hogtown that sits outside hte city walls. Other prominent districts of the city include Jubilee Plaza, largely catering to Homyn nobiltty; the Merchantry District, home to the city's street market and arena; and the Warehouse District, a coastal neighborhood where sailors and shipwrights alike ply their trade.   The most famous establishment in the city is the Red Lioness Pub, named after the leader of a supposed lion pride that once occupied the area before cedeing the city to Thomas the Philosopher King after finding him worthy.  


Adamant Base Map Image


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