Amulet of Order

An amulet the color of tarnished silver that has been passed down among the nobility of the moon, Ruby. The spirit of social order is said to dwell within it. It draws on the life force of the individual wearing it to manifest order among the local populace.   When Ryld's father possessed the amulet, he overused its abilities causing him to age at an accelerated rate. His oldest son Thomas attempted to assasinate him in order to procure the amulet for the White Lion Armada. After thwarting the assassination attempt, Ryld took the amulet off Ruby and uses it in his adventures as a Corsair.  
Effect: At any time, the user may elect to decrease his maximum health by 1 point. Doing so gives him a temporary +4 charisma bonus on the sphere where he activated the amulet. His charisma and health reset the next time he goes to sleep.


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