Bart the Shadow

Bart was said to be a shadow born in a Neith slum without a body, who grew up to be a master thief. His totem is an ancient hooded lantern that, when lit, turns the user’s shadow into that of a spider. Prior to the Homyn conquest of Yag’Vannoi, Bart’s effigy could often be found in shadow murals around neighborhoods controlled by Neith thieves’ guilds.   Bart was captured and imprisoned by The False Prophet in the House of Idols. Itthis made a deal with the Prophet to lease Bart and two other familiars out in hopes of increasing the prayers they receive for the Prophet's congregation to feed on.  
Skills Sneak 1d10 Spot 1d6   Miracle- Shadow Stealer. When the user Gets the Drop on an enemy, he may replace the enemy’s shadow with that of Bart. While attached to an enemy Bart can relay everything he sees or hears. Miracle-Shadow Killer. The user may recall Bart to his own shadow from any distance as a Simple Action. When he does so, Bart may make a Sneak test against the enemy he currently inhabits. If he succeeds, Bart may use the Takedown edge against the enemy. If he fails, the enemy becomes alerted to the user’s location.


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