
Itthis is a calm and calculating Corsair who always gets the job done. An assassin by trade and a sociopath by temperament, he never shirks away from a mission no matter how grizzly. While Itthis casually discards the lives of those who stand in his way, he places a very high value on life itself and all of the diversity it contains.   Growing up as a slave on Mong Bal, long removed from his people's connection with nature, Itthis knows just how devastating extinction and ecological devastation can be. Itthis harbors a deep-seated love of plants and animals, most notably his friend and cabin-mate, Balabar.   Itthis exhibits genius intelligence and insatiable intellectual curiosity. His interests often veer toward the occult and mystical, which he sometimes studies with the help of his reluctant guru, Mara. He often stumbles in social situations however, due to the pigments of his scales giving his emotions away and his sometimes tenuous grasp of the Imperial language.   Itthis usually enters the battlefield through stealth or astral projection, but don't mistake him for a shrinking violet. He is equally capable going toe-to-toe with the toughest foes using his hammer, which his double-thumbed grip allows him to wield with a single hand. Itthis may not be able to take a hit like some of his comrades, but with his consumate skills, rarely does he need to.  

Early Life

Itthis was raised on Mong Bal as a slave of a warlord named He Feng. The He gained notoriety among Mong Bal warlords for training the planet's best Veiled assassins. As far as slavers went, He Feng shared a mutual respect with Itthis and earned his admiration.   Itthis also made friends with the captain of He Feng's guard, Han To. A hedonist and womanizer, Han To and Itthis could not be more different, but they both shared a desire to protect their warlord from the many dangers that beset him.   A fateful trip to Jin City changed Itthis's life forever. The He family were members of the Great Basin Council, and therefore kept a manse in the city. However, He Feng cared little for the petty politics of Mong Bal warlords, and left those duties to his son, He Jun.   He Feng brought Itthis into the capitol with him. A Veiled was a valuable assset in Jin City, as they were immune to the haze storms of nectar radiation that intermittently plagued the city. Unlike the Mong Bal who needed to shelter or wear a haze suit to go outside, the Veiled could move about the city freely.   Itthis's patrols around Jin City hit a snag when he started having halucinations of an ancient veiled priestess and collapsed in the middle of the street. He dreamed of walking atop a snowy mountain, lined with ancient totems.   Han To managed to save him and hide his sicknes from their master, but urged him to figure out what was going on before the incident repeated itself. Itthis knew little about the Veiled's physiology, and hadn't the faintest idea where to start.   His work for He Feng brought a promising lead. The warlord of the Sato clan had recently arrived in Jin City after his city had been overthrown by rebels. He had brought what he could of his wealth and possessions, including, if reports were to be believed, a veiled priestess.   He Jun had worked out a deal with the Hanuman Brotherhood to help steal the priestess from Sato's manse in exchange for giving them access to the He family's Veiled. He Feng was reluctant to work with the Hanuman Brotherhood, but at his son's insistence, he agreed to the plan.   The Hanuman Brotherhood sent a Veiled named Dren to assist in the mission. Unlike Itthis's upbringing, Dren lived a heavily restricted life and slept inside a coffin until his masters were ready to use him again. He viewed a Veiled's worth solely in terms of the value he brought to his masters.   Dren and Itthis infiltrated the Sato Manse during a haze storm and rescued The Veiled Priestess. However, it was not the priestess Itthis saw in his visions, but a young Veiled woman with white scales.   They returned to the Feng manse to find that He Feng had been murdered by He Jun using a platoon of vat-grown, white-scaled Veiled who could fade completely into their surroundings called The Faded. The Hanuman's request for Itthis's assistance was merely a ruse to draw him out of the manse so that He Jun could stage a coup with the help of the Hanuman Brotherhood.   Itthis narrowly escaped the Manse and found himself again in confrontation with the old priestess from his vision. She revealed that, upon reaching maturity, Veiled once made pilgrimage to the poles of Mong Bal. With the planet's desertification, the icecaps had melted. The veield priestesses kept alive the ancestral memories of the pilgrimage to pass on to the Veiled. By allowing the priestess to fall into the hands of He Jun and the Hanuman Brotherhood, he might have doomed his entire race.  

Joining the Corsairs

Shortly after Itthis's escape from the Feng Manse, he encountered the leader of the Corsairs, Jin Bei. He had come to Jin City in order to recruit the young priestess to join the Corsairs. Itthis explained that she had been captured by the Hanuman Brotherhood, and Jin Bei decided to offer him a nomination so that he could one day rescue the priestess.   Itthis passed the Corsair exam and fell in with Guan Yu and the Mong Bal rebellion. Teaming up with Han To, they worked to infiltrate the Hanuman Brotherhood. On a routine mission infiltrating a Hanuman base, they learned that the Hanuman Brotherhood were selling Faded to the White Lion Armada.   Guan Yu also learned that the White Lion Armada had it in for his little brother, Sun Wukong. He asked Itthis to follow the lead and watch over him while he continued to fight He Jun and the other warlords with the rebels and Han To worked his way up the ranks of the Hanuman brotherhood as a man on the inside.   Itthis traveled to Lion City to reunite with Jin Bei and join the Party. He quickly fell in with the group, making friends with Sun Wukong and the Party's new pet Lion, Balabar--whom Itthis was fascinated with both for his species' endangerment as well as the boundless wisdom that came with their immortality. He also augmented his aresenal, adopting Princess Halle's Jaunt Drive as his own to enhance his movement and teleport across the battlefield unseen.  

The Moku Annexation

During the Homyn annexation of Nimbus, Itthis expanded his understanding of The Dream World. He had deployed somnambulist techniques in his work as an assasisination, but his work with the Moku opened his eyes to other facets like Daemons and familiars. Mara helped in these efforts based on her family's connection to The Dream World. During his adventures among the Homyn, Itthis developed a number of Dream World techniques, like a trauma bomb that could cause enemies to collapse in terror on command and a reveler lure that flooded his target's minds with mischevious reveler Daemons.   Itthis also engaged in his share of heroics in the Homyn Kingdom. When visiting the Moku statuary, Itthis came across a young Stone Shark being attacked by rocktopi. He managed to save the cub and returned it to the Moku High Fisher, Mano, to be raised. After a few months adventuring across the spheres, he returned to find his shark grown and ready to join the Nomad's crew.   During their exploration of the Salamander Volcano, Itthis snuck into the Gargoyle queen's lair using his cold-blooded physiology to evade her infrared vision and assasinated her. When the Party found King Laho's laboratory in the center of the volcano, Itthis found a scrying mirror that connected to Christoph Ebliss, where he learned the Moku Goddess' true nature as one of the Reikeh. Itthis also managed to surmise that the Goddess was Mara's mother, and got her to come clean about her connection to The Dream World and the true reason for her trying to upset her father's annexation of the Moku people.   During the Moku Rebellion and Brigadier General Howe's attack on The Grave, Itthis dived into the memories of a recently-deceased member of the Lunar Brigade. He was able to find repressed memories of the Greywing unit's accidental genocide of a vassal race by destroying their god, an event which caused all familiars to reject the Greywings. Simon was able to use this revelation to ultimately convince Brigadier General Howe to lay down his arms and surrender to the Goddess.  

Getting Back Into Wetwork

While Itthis often fights for the good of the Chimera Alliance while working for the Corsairs, that hasn't stopped him from lending his skills to the highest bidder. Through Clay's information broker network, Itthis has completed a number of morally dubious missions. Among the Moku, Itthis and the party investigated a case on behalf of a Kapu Lua martial arts betting ring for a monk named Tyro who was performing alarmingly well. They learned Tyro was using an amphetemine to speed up the motions of Moku prayer forms--a secret kept among the high priesthood to secretly teach Moku a martial art to defend themselves while hiding its techniques from their enemies. Itthis convinced the high priest to send Tyro out of Hopaku City on a dangerous mission to hunt cultists of Keli-Ki, the kraken.   On another mission, Itthis investigated an Ahano Fruit farm on Nimbus who was working with Clay to maintain his monopoly on the popular fruit. Itthis liberated the farm with the help of a native farmer, but unbeknownst to Clay, slipped the farmer some seeds so he could return them to his own farm--on the condition that the farmer cut Itthis in.   On Mons Mirror, a group hired Itthis to assassinate an actor named Botta who had been comprimised to influence Homyn tastes to disrupt certain businesses. The party learned that Botta was using his influence to cripple the Homyn economy and its exploitation of vassal races. Simon didn't want to kill Botta after this revelation, but Itthis didn't let a righteous cause stop him from getting the job done.  

Voyages to the Dream World and Beyond

During Itthis's voyages on Nimbus, the Nomad encountered some cultists who worshipped Keli-Ki. Itthis tried to enter a cultist's dreams and found himself in the clutches of the Kraken. Keli-Ki embedded a deap-seated loyalty deep within Itthis's subconscious, ready to call him into service should it serve the Kraken's interests.   Itthis also helped Wukong and Helix investigate a wraith nest on the Mirror Sea, where he found a Warp Staff that could teleport enemies he struck across the map.   Mara led Itthis on an astral journey to High Mephisto to search for familiars. There, he encountered a daemon called The False Prophet, who ran the House of Idols. The False Prophet was addicted to prayers and captured familiars to leech prayers from the faithful. Itthis agreed to rent out some of The False Prophet's more malnourished familiars, Hiei the Scrupulous Sloth, Bart the Shadow, and Happa the Dart Frog, to increase their notoriety in the waking world and hopefully gain ome new followers whose prayers he could consume.   Itthis also joined Wukong to compete in The Circus and qualify for the Mephisto Cup. During the show, he rescued an elderly contestant named Lo Gon from some monsters, earning him some prestige and netting the Party his Wai Dan Cannon as a show of thanks.  

The Mong Bal Detective Agency

While taking a furlough in Mons Mirror to upgrade their ship, Itthis and Wukong took the next step in their partnership by forming the Mong Bal Detective Agency. The Mong Bal detective agency has solved every case that has come their way, although (perhaps true to its name) they often elect to keep that truth a secret to protect those who it might harm.   Their first official case involved a series of murders among the Mons Mirror elite, which they tracked down to be the dreamless sister of Viscount Dracken. Once the sioster was subdued, they decided to keep the killer's identity a secret to protect the Dracken family. Itthis walked away from the mystery with a nice payday, and also the Phasewalker Mask the dreamless countess used to walk through walls and carry out her killings.   A mystery about the kidnapping of an infant member of the Harto family ended with the detective agency discoverying a tribe of caterpillar people called Changelings who had brokered an ancient pact with the first settlers of Mons Mirror. Since the changelings offered protection to the city, they again decided to keep their presence a secret. Itthis took the Changelings' weaver prisoner, and exchanged his freedom for use of the Changeling King as a patron, who would provide Itthis with disguises and poison.   On Jotun, the Mong Bal Detective agency investigated the mystery of an amnesiatic man who had survived the Shrikevind. They learned that he was the founder of the Roven Clan who was lured into the Shrikevind by a group of druids after massacreing their tribe. Roven wanted to go back to his ignorance, but the Mong Bal detective agency revealed the truth and forced him to right the wrongs of the past by taking control of the clan from his cruel descendants. Itthis got a small piece of the action in Roven's illegal trade of artifacts brought in by the Shrikevind by strongarming Roven's descendant, Samel.   More recently, the Mong Bal detective agency investigated claims into a Lion City businessman and local philanthropist, Herodatus Savine, that his family had connections to the Koan Empire. They learned that Herodotus's father was a high-ranking imperial official who hid his connections just before the empire fell. Herodotus really didn't seem to know anything about his father's misdeeds, and the reparations he would be required to pay as a result of this revelation would bankrupt his business, so again the Mong Bal Detective Agency decided to keep it a secret.   Perhaps the strangest case the Mong Bal detective agency investigated was that of a mysterious song heard by an Anduran Prince while walking down the streets of Mons Mirror. The mystery resulted in a crazy adventure involving alternate timelines, an epic battle of the bands, and a musician to serve on their crew. Itthis almost took a serious injury during the final battle, but his Party managed to save him by using a song to put him into stasis for the rest of the battle.  

A Quest to Be(etle) the Very Best

During a visit to Mons Mirror's Lucky Lion Parlor, Itthis found a group engaged in a game of beetle sumo. An angry contestant stormed away from the match and tossed his Jin City Magnificent Scarab at Itthis's face. It turned out to be an incredibely rare speciment of beetle with almost unlimited potential, but the impatient beetle brawler hadn't put the effort in to improve its abilities. Itthis tried a few matches, winning himself a Dancing Rim Weevil and a Red Weevil.   On Jotun, Itthis challenged Gerund's dauther to a match and won himself a Berserker Beetle. While travelling aboard the Nomad, Itthis encountered an air ship with a baloon ballast in the shape of a giant beetle. It belonged to a wealthy Mong Bal child named Jia Xur, who had caught beetle mania and was travelling the system in search of rare beetles. Itthis challenged Jia Xur's newest acquisition, a Scorpion Beetle. Itthis handily beat the young lad, and in frustration he threw away the scorpion beetle for Itthis to collect.   Itthis learned from Jia Xur's servant that Jin City housed a league of champion beetle fighters named the Magnificent Six, who Jia Xur was seeking the challenge once he had built up his beetle collection.  

The Battle of the North Sea

When assisting the Geit Clansmoot defend Jotun from the White Lion Armada, Itthis took his melee combat game to the next level. A land of warriors who favored axes and hammers, Itthis acquired many new artifacts including a Wave Smasher he took from a group of pirates who had imprisoned a Shaper who controlled the tides. Itthis also won the Axe of the First Reaver from the Aluta Tribe by defeating the commander of the tribe's leaders, Raven.   Itthis also accomplished his fair share of valiant deeds in helping Gerund Brigthoof build the clansmoot. When the Whitecrow Clan suffered from attacks by evil mutants created by a mutagenist named Doctor Oslo, Itthis put the old doctor in the ground (literally) with his Warp Staff. Itthis also used his Dream World expertise to help a Geit Valkyrie bust a cult of the saint of death, Lundy, who were using mead to perform a ritual that erased the memories of the dead.   In the city of Habrok, Itthis improved his hammer abilities by learning the Cockatrice Knight's discipline from their leader, Oskar. He also bought a Snow Hawk from an animal tamer trying to leave the city, and aslo managed to learn some information about he cockatrice who guarded the Habrok crypts. Itthis made friends with the Habrok's high priestess, Sofia, to gain information about the crypts, who revealed to him that her mother's ghost had awoken the draugr resting inside the crypts, because she had lost confidence in Queen Freya's ability to protect the clan. Itthis encountered the old high priestss's spirit in the crypts, but felt she was too strong to take on at the time.   He also obtained the legendary Forger's Hammer by freeing the Geit Saint Shrike from The Forge, which allowed him to terraform the terrain around him. Itthis used the hammer to help defeat the Mad Progenitor, Olaf, at the top of The Forge. When faced with the decision as to whether to sacrifice a baby fire giant to save the Habrok clan or let the Habrok clan freeze and free the Forger, Itthis opted to sacrifice the baby fire giant, for fear that the Forger could not be controlled if freed. Still, the Forger ended up going free anyway once Freya Habrok agreed to leave her clan.   During the Battle of the North Sea, Itthis went on a stealth mission with Gerund's Wife, Kana, to intercept a White Lion caravan bringing payment to mercenary navies. Using his Phasewalker Mask, he lept into the head of the caravan. He unsuccessfully tried to forge a letter to buy the mercenaries on behalf of the Clansmoot, but his ruse still managed to cause enough confusion to cancel the transaction. Itthis also joined the rest of the Party and Queen Freya Habrok to fight the White Lion Armada's Flagship, the Falco Rex.   Before leaving Habrok, Itthis went back to the crypts to take care of unfinished business. He and Mara were able to defeat the high priestess and shut down the draugr, netting himself the staff used to animate them in the process. His actions unwittingly set off the "ragnarok protocolss" which summoned an undead cockatrice to the North Sea who would raise an army of draugr to effectuate a prohesied war between the living and the dead. Itthis returned to Sofia and gave her an engagement wreath, only to dash away before he could hear her response to his proposal.   Itthis and Wukong helped a crippled scout from the Bato Clan find his lost brother and the Lost City of Saxon, where fire giants and geit supposedly lived in harmony. After some investigative work, they learned that the fire giants had actually enslaved the Geit, but increased their quality of life after a failed rebellion that got a little too close to success for comfort. Itthis recorded Saxon's confession, and passed it on to the city's sheriff, Marlowe. But the sheriff was pushed off his zodyak before he could reveal the truth to the rest of the police force. Itthis also freed the lead scouts' fire-giant dog, Melt, from Saxon's control by rubbing its belly and removing its collar. The dog was so greatful that it followed him back to the Nomad to serve as a crew member.  

Recurring Nightmares

While traveling on Sera, the Party killed a group of Faded fighting for the White Lion Armada, and brought a sample to Aleph to investigate. Itthis collapsed into a grotesque nightmare where scientists took out his organs, cloned them, and placed them in vats connected by tubes all in some kind of laboratory inside an airship. He asked Mara for help abating these nightmares, but the task proved beyond her abilities. Mara explained that the only way to get rid of the nightmare's for good would be to confront the reason the nightmares occured in the first place.  

The Koan Engagement

In the city of Balphuran, Itthis tailed Flavian's servants to Vandal's Gift and witnessed him purchase poisons tthat linked him to the Blue Frogs. He also stopped at a local shrine to pick up a new familiar, Raga the Scorned. At Flavians party, Itthis infiltrated a secret Blue Frog meeting occuring upstairs and obtained a cipher to help translate the Blue Frog manifestor. Upon leaving the meeting, he found the Blue Frog VIPs slaughtered by Desmond Eld.   At Sir Reglas's bachelor party, Itthis found himself down in the dumps and lonely. His spirits lifted when Ryld accidentally spat an engagement ring with The Alteri Diamond on it. He later learned that the ring was once an engagement ring that Sir Phaedras gave to Sir Reglas. It is worth a fortune, but Itthis hasn't been able to pry it off his finger.
Race: Veiled
Gender: Male
Background/Occupations: Assassin, Corsair, Detective, Beetle Sumo Master
Current Status: In Party
Strongest Target Assassinated: The Gargoyle Queen


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