Cloud Manta

Cloud manta are giant manta rays that float in the clouds of Io’s moons. They cannot fly of their own volitionm, but crystal deposits that grow on their skin as gravitational anchors, allowing mantas to migrate the skies by “swimming” in lanes while the Spheres rotate. Only rarely will Cloud Manta be seen swimming in the ocean, and they will only do so if there aren’t any lanes around to ride.   They exhibit docile temperaments and will allow smaller creatures to approach unharmed. Cloud manta “cruises” are a popular pastime among Homyn nobles. They will become agitated or hostile if approached by larger creatures or ships or if they are attacked.  
Swim 1d10
Charge 1d8
Spot 1d8
Thrash 1d8

Drag 5 (+3 per Barysene Fin).
Lift 2 (+2 per Barysene Fin).
Hull 3
Reinforcements 2
Damage (Thrash): 2d6.
Damage (Repulsor wave): 3d8.


Barysene Fin (1d4+2).
Toughness 4
Cloud manta skin naturally forms crystal “fins'' of the same mineral used to make anchors. They use the gravity repelling properties of Barysene to stay aloft and maneuver in lanes. Grants +3 to lift and +2 to Drag.

Gravity Well (1d4).
LV 15, Damage 2d8
Toughness 6
The barysene crystals form natural pools of gravity that collect detritus. Each turn, a well has a 10% chance of collecting a projectile from the surrounding lane. Additionally, every projectile attack that misses the Cloud Manta is stored within a gravity well. When the gravity well is fully charged, it can be fired at the enemy ship from Cannons or Boarding Distance.

Repulsor Wave (1)
LV 20. Damage 2d10
Toughness 10
Barysene deposits near a Cloud mantas heart build up negative charges to repel gravity. Activating a repulsor wave automatically sends all boarders flying off the Manta. It also discharges all objects inside the Manta’s gravity wells at the enemy ship

Trophy: Cloud Manta Heart. Cloud Manta’s skeletal systems contain only cartilage, but their mineral-suffused circulatory system gives their hearts a stone-like quality fitting for an impressive trophy. Displaying the heart of a cloud manta demonstrates one’s prowess navigating the black lanes of the system. Grants a +1 Diplomacy Bonus in negotiations against any ship following combat in lanar gravity.

1-4 Cloud Manta Meat. (1d4). A popular fish dish among the Mons Mirroti with the taste of anchovies and the texture of cotton candy. Grants the user an additional +2” to their pace in naught gravity.

  5-8: Barysene Crystal Deposit. (2d4) The innards of cloud manta are said to be more stone than flesh thanks to the pervasive barysene deposits that allow them to live above the skies of Ioan spheres. These crystals have many functions:
  ⮚ Each crystal can be used as-is in an Explorer’s Kit or Thieves’ Kit and can be broken as a free action to give the user an extra 4” of movement in naught gravity.
  ⮚ Two crystals can be forged together into a lane-breaker cannonball, which deals an extra 1d6 damage in lanar gravity.
  ⮚ Five crystals can also be crafted into armor, Barysene mail, that adds +3” to pace in naught gravity or a Barysyne two-handed weapon, which does an extra 1d6 damage in naught gravity.

  9-11: Large Barysene Crystal Deposit: (2d8). An even bigger deposit of Barysene crystals!
  12: Manta Anchor. Larger barysene deposits on a cloud manta can make effective ship anchors. A manta anchor has an anchor radius of 5 and has a 10% chance of reflecting enemy cannon-fire back when the ship is in naught gravity.


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