Emperor Auk

The Emperor Auk is a leviathan native to Jotun. Giant and obese flightless arctic birds, emperor auks wield a crown of bone that enthralls regular auks to their will. The like to spend their time lounging on their iceberg thrones while their servants bring them food. When confronted in battle, Emperor Auks similarly rely on their bird soldiers to do most of the fighting, only intervening on occasion to kick an iceberg or two at their enemies.  
Helmsman 1d6
Spot 1d6
Rally 1d10

Drag +2/ Auk throne-pushers
Lift +2/ Auk throne-pushers
Hull 6
Armor 6

Artillery Iceberg (2d6)
An iceberg hewn with spiked edges by auk laborers. Can be kicked by the emperor auk at cannon range as a standard action.
LV 0
3d6 damage

Royal Guard Iceberg (1d4-2)
An artillery iceberg with a platoon of 1d6+1 Auk Soldiers. Deals damage to the ship when it lands, but also acts as a boarding craft.
LV 0
Damage 3d6

Spears 1d10
Dodge 1d8
Toughness 6
Pace 4

Throne-Pushers (1d8)
A group of Auks swimming in the icy waters beneath the Auk. They push the throne across the narrow seas, giving +2/+2 to drag/lift.

Astral Crown (1)
Said to have powers over the dreamworld to command other Auks. The crown allows the Emperor Auk to spend a turn rallying. A success grants his units a +1 bonus, and a +1 bonus for each raise on all skill-checks for two turns.


Emperor Auk Crown. Actually, an extension of an Emperor Auk’s skull. The crown is the focus of the Auk’s psionic abilities. Grants a +1 to Diplomacy Tests made after ship combat where the enemy ship has animal crew members. Additionally, when fighting on Jotun, each turn of combat, there is a 5% chance that an Auk will board the enemy ship to render assistance.

1-4: Emperor Auk Meat. A fatty bird meat that tastes like a mix of whale and chicken that make a fantastic filet. Emperor Auks’ bones are said to be permeated with dream world substances that allow them to enthrall members of their species. Emperor Auk Meat grants a +1 bonus to Diplomacy, Handle Animal and Possession Tests.

5-7: Auk Blubber. Fat forged by the finest sea creatures on Jotun collected by the Emperor Auk’s thrall. A side dish compatible with meat and vegetable dishes. Reduces exposure by 2 upon consumption.

8-9: Auk Hide. Emperor Auk’s begin as the same size as their servants. As a result, their skin is extra stretchy to accommodate for the rapid growth that comes with increased dietary intake following their astral awakening. Auk Hide can make light or medium armor that is immune to the armor break effect.

10-12: Auk General. It seems that you have gained the loyalty of a high-ranking member of the Emperor Auk’s Court. You are not sure if he is acting out of gratitude for his freedom, or if the astral compulsion from his master’s crown still lingers in his mind. If only auks could talk.

Spears 1d10
Dodge 1d8
Toughness 6
Pace 4
Damage (Spear) 1d8+1d6
Rallying Call. Grants all animal crew members +1 to skill tests.


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