Engine Cannon

A Koan artifice built from a modified chemical-rocket turbine. It uses rocket propulsion to quickly launch cannon balls (or the user) across great distances.   The Engine Cannon is the signature weapon of Thurmacc, having developed it during his study of rocketry with the artificer Fortunio.  
LV: 15 Damage: 2d10 Area of Effect: 2” Radius Backfire Damage: (1/2 loading value + 2)   Effect: Rocket Jump. As a free action, the user may empty the LV of the cannon to launch himself into the air. He may make 1” of aerial movement for every point of LV that is currently full.   Familiarity Affinity (3) Rocket Dodge. Whenever the user succeeds on a Dodge Test when the LV cannon loaded or partially loaded, he may empty the Engine Cannon’s LV to immediately perform a rocket jump.   Familiarity Affinity (5) Portable Thruster. Whenever the user is standing on a ship with full LV, as a standard action, he may empty the Engine Cannon’s LV. Doing so causes the user’s ship to gain a +3/+3 Drag/Lift bonus for one turn or the enemy ship to suffer a -3/-3 penalty to Drag/Lift for one turn.


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