
Thurmacc is a brilliant and eccentric corsair who specializes in engineering and rocketry. While he gets along well with the rest of the party, he spends most of his time operating on his own frequency, often engaging in behaviors inexplicable to those unfamiliar with his ideosynchrasies. His combat style is as volatile as his grip on reality, leveraging powerful cannons to decimate his enemies. His signature weapon is the Engine Cannon, an artifice that allows him to both fling projectiles at enemies and fling himself across the battlefield.  

Early Life

Thurmacc showed inclinations toward mechanics at invention early in his life and became an artificer for the Koan Republic. He worked under the guidance and mentorship of a senior artificer named Octavia, who supported Thurmacc's career but whose straight edge approach to engineering sometimes grated on them. He also developed a friendship and rivalry with another artificer named Gaius, who due to a childhood injury had several appendages replaced with auto-limbs.   As he developed his talents, Thurmacc found the Board of Artificers' strictures on the study of ancient artifacts too confining. So, he quit and went rogue, performing illegal experiments with an old associate of Octavia's named Fortunio.  

Voyage of the Iron Whale

Fortunio made his living working artificer blacksites, not officially tolerated by the Koan republic but often received their surreptitious approval in exchange for the fruits of their illegal experiments. He had gathered a ragtag group of scientists from a number of disciplines: Eliza, a Homyn Alchemist; Maximos, a Koan Rocketeer; Rune, a geit pyromancer; and Hobb a Scalfi salvager.   With his quick intellect, Thurmacc picked up techniques from each of his new colleagues and quickly became a favorite of Fortunio. He even used his contacts with the Board of Artificers and, with Gaius's help, got Fortunio's group funding to perform illicit modifications on a submarine called the Iron Whale.   After a dangerous expedition to salvage parts from a sunken city, Fortunio took Thurmacc aside and told himof his past. The old artificer was originally the youngest member of an expedition team charting the depths of Sera's oceans in search of progenitor artifacts. The team always left one member behind on an expedition to carry on the team's knowledge and work in case the worst befell them. On the expedition when Fortunio's crew went missing, he was the one chosen to stay behind. Fortunio also revealed to Thurmacc that the modifications he was making to the Iron Whale were not for deep sea exploration, as he had been hired to make, but to attach rockets to the submarine and launch it past the Rim. Fortunio's goal was to continue his prior team's research by finding the legendary orphan sphere.   Not long after, Gaius arrived, demanding a return on his client's investment. He quickly saw through Fortunio's ruse and mounted an assault to recover the Iron Whale. The team sprung into action, readying an impromptu launch. Thurmacc managed to fend off the attack while boarding Fortunio's crew and making last minute repairs to the rocket. However, when he went to board, Fortunio pushed him off the launchpad. He told Thurmacc that in all likelihood this mad expedition would be doomed, and Thurmacc would need to be the one to stay behind and continue their work.  

Joining the Corsairs

Stranded on the abandoned launch pad, Thurmacc spent months as a castaway left for dead. His sanity drifted away from him and he likely would have perished if Octavia had not mounted a search party to look for him. When she found him, she introduced him to Jin Bei, the leader of the Corsairs. He was helping King Nasser Graham locate the same orphan sphere Fortunio had sought. Jin Bei recruited Thurmacc to join the Corsairs and use his knowledge of rocketry to one day find his crew beyond the Rim, or at least continue their quest.   Thurmacc took him up on the deal and travelled to Lion City to sit for the corsair exam. There, he met two other candidates, a Homyn noble named Ryld and a koan squire named Titus. Together, they defeated a giant automaton that was wreaking havoc on an abandon factory. Ryld and Thurmacc gained nominations into the Corsairs, but Titus did not. Nevertheless, they found the young Koa to be an amiable sort and let him join their crew.  

Fighting the Blue Frogs

Thurmacc spent much of his early career as a corsair helping Titus investigate a group called the Blue Frogs, an ancient sect of imperial secret police who some believed still lingered on the fringes of Koan society and planned to restore the Koan Empire. Throughout their investigations, they discovered not only that the Blue Frogs operated a secret base in the sunken Koan city of Magnikar. They attempted to assault the secret base only to be captured by the Blue Frogs. They were tortured by an insane film director named Voden, who made them watch movies that would turn them into the Blue Frogs' slaves. Luckily, the party arrived rescued Thurmacc and his friends before the brainwashing could take effect. Thurmacc decided to join the party for a little while, since they too were helping Jin Bei find the orphan sphere.   Thurmacc's engineering abilities proved invaluable in navigating the Blue Frog's secret base, using both his Engine Cannon and alchemy to disable the blue frogs' mechs. The party quickly learned about Thurmacc's stranger side when he snorted a pile of seance cinnamon they found in the abandoned kitchen of an imperial chef. Thurmacc arrived at the center of the Blue Frog base to find Gaius working with their leader. Apparently, he had survived the encounter at the launch pad (albeit with a few new mechanical body parts to show for it).   When the Republic Navy destroyed the Blue Frog base, Gaius pursued the party on their submarine, the Sea Snake. He ordered his crew to kill the corsairs, but take Thurmacc in alive. Luckily, the Party managed to destroy the submarine and escape the wreckage. Thurmacc returned to the surface unsure if he had finished off Gaius for good, or if he might return to haunt him again with even more robotic limbs.   After destroying the Blue Frogs' base, Thurmacc accompanied the party to Alteri Island to recruit a powerful knight named Sir Latro to help fight the Blue Frogs. Thurmacc got blackout drunk and somehow ended up playing spin the bottle with a group of Koan ballerinas, using Anh as the bottle. Thurmacc woke up with little memory of the previous night and infected by the alteri virus with the rest of the Party. He assisted them in braving the mutant infested island, gaining a few mutations of his own, including wings, talons and a woodpecker beak, which he used to divebomb mutants and kill one of Sir Latro's mutinous squires, Abbadon.  

Leaving the Party

After the party restored order to Alteri island, Thurmacc wandered off. Whether he would cross the Party's path again was anyone's guess.
Race: Koa
Gender: Male
Background/Occupations: Artificer, Corsair
Current Status: Balphuran
Strangest Substance Snorted: Seance Cinnamon


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