Forge Hammer

A golden hammer warm to the touch. Three empty sockets line the cudgel’s face, marked by symbols in an unknown language. It is said that the Forger carried a golden hammer, which he used to wrought the spheres themselves.   When travelling to the Forge, Itthis was presented with the Forge Hammer by a construct he freed named Vethyr, who was secretly the geit Saint Shrike in disguise. His goal was to pit the Party against the other imprisoned geit saints, Raina and Tormund, to absorb their terraforming abilities before ending his own life to imbue the hammer with his own. Shrike hoped his actions would restore the Forger's powers, allowing him to use his planet-shaping powers for the benefit of humanity.  
Effect: Instead of striking an enemy, the user may strike the ground. Doing so he may clear all terrain effects on up to 6” of consecutive spaces (in any formation the user chooses).   Frost Core: When the frost core is active, rather than clear terrain, the Forge Hammer freezes terrain. Creatures that are attacked while standing on frozen terrain are knocked back the length of the terrain and must Succeed on an Acrobatics test or be Knocked Prone. The frost core can also freeze liquid terrain.   Grass Core: When the Grass core is active, rather than clear terrain, the Forge Hammer sprouts tall grass. Being in tall grass cuts of line of sight while moving through it in stealth and provides a +4-Concealment bonus.   Gust Core: When the Gust Core is active, rather than clear terrain, the Forge Hammer creates a spring of air. When a creature steps onto the spring, it can move an additional 6” in the air. If a creature lands on the spring uwillingly, it must succeed on an Acrobatics Test or be knocked 6” backward   Familiarity Affinity (5) Terraforming Thumb. Striking the ground with the Forge Hammer now effects 9” of consecutive spaces, rather than 6”.   Familiarity Affinity (5) Shaping Strike. When the user defeats an enemy with the Forge Hammer, he may use the attack to activate the Forge Hammer’s effect, beginning on the square where that the enemy occupied.


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