Kuan Ti

Kuan Ti was the warlord of the Mong Bal City of Erryl. A "rogue warlord" who does not recognize the authority of the Great Basin Council, Kuan Ti ruled his people with an iron fist, using the scavenged Erryl technology to defend his people and suppress dissidents. He is known for riding a floating Erryl chair for his throne, literally lording above his subjects. He also can directly control those under his command using a mind control technique called the Whisper, a form of psychological conidtioning that allows him to force his underlings to do his bidding.   Kuan Ti's fractious relationship with other Mong Bal Warlords often forced him to turn to foreign allies. He allows the Io East Orbit Company's vice-president Gustav Klimt to do business in his city and also allowed the Corsair leader, Jin Bei, recruit from the city's residents. Every year the Corsair exam is held, Kuan Ti hosted a tournament, the winner of which is allowed to leave the city to join the corsairs. While commoners were allowed to enter the tournament, they would face criminal charges for sedition if they lost.   In the most recent tournament, Sun Wukong emerged victorious, but Kuan Ti nevertheless declared his own son, Fang Feng to be the winner. This resulted in Wukong's imprisonment. Wukong was released from prison in an effort to assassinate Kuan Ti, and the young Mong Bal even made it inside the throne room before his daughter, Tien Mu intervened. While Wukong does not remember what happeend next, the incident ended with Kuan Ti's death and Wukong accused of the murder.


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