
A happy go-lucky Corsair who always tries to fight for what's right. Wukong is one of the founding members of the Party and has the distinction of fighting alongside them throughout their entire adventure. While the Nomad calls no one person captain, Wukong has often donned a captain's hat, whether it be made from newspaper or the feathered cap given to him by his friend, Anh.   Wukong's ideology is driven by his motto "for the people." He always tries to make the decision that will benefit the masses. When a comrade falls in battle, Wukong is often the first to shed tears. While Wukong finds himself the moral center of the Party, sometimes his Mong Bal upbringing influences his worldview. He is not above lying if it serves the greater good and even sometimes looks the other way on his comrades' murderous tendencies. Wukong also has a zest for exploration and fun. Whenever he visits a new city, he finds the tallest building to jump from with his glider and take in his surroundings.   On the battlefield, he is an agile bruiser capable of dealing enormous damage with his staff, Ruyi Jingu Bang. He has adapted Koan spear techniques to improve his acrobatic fighting style. While a force to be reckoend with, Wukong fights using non-lethal techniques and always apologizes after felling an opponent, even if they are rarely conscious to hear an apology after weathering one of his powerful blows.  

Early Life

Wukong grew up in the City of Erryl, a flying technological marvel built by the extinct race who served as its namesake. His father died when he was young, leaving his mother, Lo Shen, to raise him and his older brother, Guan Yu. The family were members of the servant class to their city's crueld warlord, Kuan Ti.   Wukong grew up with his warlord's two children. Fang Feng was the oldest son, who developed a rivalry with Wukong. While Wukong seemed to be more talented, Fang Feng's family connections meant he always came out on top. Tien Mu, the youngest daughter possessed a sweeter temperament and became Wukong's first love.   When Wukong came of age, he decided he wanted to follow in his brother's footsteps and become a Corsair. The City of Erryl had a longstanding agreement with the Corsairs to hold a tournament every year that allowed the winner to leave the city with a Corsair nomination in hand. Nobles could enter and compete in the tournament without any risk, but if a commoner took part and did not win, they would be imprisoned for treason.   Before the tournament, a Homyn merchant named Gustav Klimt visited Erryl. Gustav was a longtime friend of Wukong and his family. The stories and curious wares from far away lands were always a treat for the adventerous Mong Bal to hear. This time, Gustav did not disappoint. He showed Wukong a staff wielded by the Mong Bal hero, Jin the Magnificent, called Ruyi Jingu Bang. The staff had the magical property of being able to extend and contract however its wielder saw fit. Wukong's enthusiasm waned when he saw the pricetag, as it cost more money than his family had ever made.   On the eve of the tournament, Tien Mu visited Wukong to wish him good luck. She warned him that Fang Feng had entered the Corsair Tournament and urged him not to partake. Undaunted, Wukong signed up anyway. Before he entered the ring, Tien Mu presented him with a fabulous gift: Ruyi Jingu Bang.   With the princess in his corner and a powerful new weapon, Wukong breezed through the opening rounds of the tournament. His first opponent, Mushi, ran a dojo in town and had a reputation as being a drunken master. However, it turned out that Mushi's drunkenness had nothing to do with his martial arts style and Wukong easily defeated him. Since Mushi was a noble, he walked away from the tournament free and clear.   Wukong's next opponent was Shiro, the master of mirrors. He had the power to make phantom copies of himself to mislead his opponents. Shiro's techniques were dangerous, since the use of magic was illegal in Erryl. Even with this unfair advantage, Wukong prevailed. The city guard hauled off Shiro to prison, only for Wukong to spot another copy of the master of mirrors leaving the crowd in the other direction.   Next, Wukong faced Pango the Peak, a wrestler who leveraged his massive size to knock his opponent's around. After a tough fight, Wukong managed to summit the peak and emerge victorious. Since Pango the Peak was a fellow commoner, his loss meant that he would be hauled off to prison.   In the final round, Wukong fought Fang Feng himself. Given the stiff competition, he was surprised the young noble had made it this far. They squared off, and once again Wukong emerged victorious. Emperor Kuan Ti took the stage to congratulate the winner of the Corsair Tournament, who he declard to be Fang Feng!   Wukong's "loss" spelled a prison sentence, and the guards carted him off straight away. While behind bars, Jin Bei, the leader of the Corsairs visited him. Since Mong Bal was no longer part of the Chimera Alliance, Jin Bei had no power to free Wukong. However, an organization called the Oni Lao had offered to help him escape. The Oni Laowere a sect of tail-less Mong Bal who worked for the capitol. Most Mong Bal who grew up under a warlord's rule could not even see them due to mental conditioning. The Oni Lao demanded a steep price for Wukong's freedom, he would need to kill Emperor Kuan Ti. Jin Bei offered Wukong a position in the Corsairs along with Fang Feng if he managed to make it out of the city alive.   Wukong hesitantly agreed to the Oni Lao's deal. After escaping his cell, he freed Pango the Peak and headed to Kuan Ti's palace. The Oni Lao made Wukong's job easy, clearing a path right into the palace. Kuan Ti revelaed a final defense, the Whisper, a subconscious command embedded in all of his servants that allowed him to take control of them. Kuan Ti threatened to use the Whisper to have Wukong jump off the City, but Wukong knocked him off his throne before he could use it.   As Wukong stood over Kuan Ti's cowering form, Tien Mu entered the room. She begged him not to kill her father. Wukong's heart was in conflict as he held his staff over the helpless warlord. Before he could make a decision, Tien Mu used the Whisper on him. When he regained his consciousness, he found himself a long way from home.  

Becoming a Corsair

Wukong awoke on the Koan moon, Aspidie, swinging his staff at fellow Corsair candidate, Simon Albrecht. Simon, being kind tempered, helped Wukong get his bearings and revelaed that he too was summoned to Aspidie by Jin Bei. They agreed to look together, and just like that, the Party was formed. Jaime and Helix joined not long after. They found Jin Bei near an active hyperion bomb set to destroy the enitre moon. After the Party failed to revive him, they needed to decide to redirect medical attention to him at the expense of that ship helping evacuate the moon. Wukong voted to save Jin Bei and the Party escaped Aspidie before it exploded.   Arriving at Lion City with an influx of refugees, Wukong and the others prepared for the Corsair exam. After Helix gained an audience with Anderson Lake, Wukong traded some honest adventuring work for a treasure map to another artifact from Jin the Magnificent's era, the Cloud Glider. The artifact has since remained at Wukong's side, and is the first thing he takes with him upon visiting a new town so he can take in the sights from the skies.   Wukong also prepared for the Corsair exam with a fellow candidate and Koan squire, Titus. Titus was a native of Aspidie inspired to join the Corsairs after the destruction of his home. Wukong won the sparring match and impressed Titus's master, Sir Reglas. Reglas gave Wukong a book on Koan Parliamentary procedure, which actually contained spear techniques used by Koan knights. Figuring a spear wasn't much different from a staff, Wukong learned the Patrician Grip from the book and became the first member of the Party to learn a discipline.   When Wukong attended Princess Halle's nineteenth birthday party, he ran into his old friend, Gustav Klimt. Wukong was surprised to learn that Gustav was one of the vice presidents of the Io East Orbit Company. Gustav helped Wukong nab an invitation to a secret auciton run by the Hanuman Brotherhood where the Progenitor Atlas was being sold. Wukong didn't attend the auciton himself though, as he helped Sir Reglas gather dignitaries attending the party for a big announcement--that he was proposing marriage to Princess Halle.   During the Corsair exam, Wukong found himself captured by the Mutant King Kaloo. Although, Helix managed to free him with the help of another Corsair, Prince Shadhi, and a group of uprising mutants. Wukong and the other Corsairs changed sides during the battle, helping King Kaloo and eventually earning his loyalty. Later in the exam, Wukong was the first person to dive into the bowels of Source after a powerful Guilt Daemon captured Sena, the Phantasm of Io.   Upon earning his compass, Wukong again encountered Fang Feng, now himself a Corsair. He accused Wukong of murdering his father back on Erryl. Wukong tried to explain the whole business with the Oni Lao and his memory loss, but Fang Feng heard none of it. He challenged Wukong to a rematch, having procured his own version of Ruyi Jingu Bang. Wukong emerged victor only to find his own Ruyi Jingu Bang swallow Fang Feng's. It turned out that the magic staff had the ability to split into multiple copies of itself, and that actually several versions of it had been scattered across Mong Bal. Rejoining his own staff with that of Fang Feng granted Ruyi Jingu Bang new abilities, like allowing Wukong to pop it at enemies like a pool cue and launch himself into the air like a rocket.   Wukong's heroics during the Corsair exam nabbed him four votes from the Chimera Council to admit him into the Corsairs. But it seemed that membership in the Corsairs wouldn't be the only connection Wukong had to his brother. Before setting off, Itthis Shadowscale, a veteran Corsair, joined the Party at Guan Yu's request to protect Wukong from Prince Lucas and the White Lion Armada.  

The Moku Annexation and Rebellion

During the Homyn annexation of Nimbus, Wukong exhibited many acts of valor and bravery. During a mission to help the embodiment of the North Wind, Wukong jumped onto the South Wind's back and batted off wind currents to aid the North Wind's escape. In another mission involving a captive member of the Handmaidens, Wukong dueled a Moku Pirate over shark infested waters to free the hostages.   Wukong also found a new staple of his arsenal on the beaches of Nimbus while warding off a Scalfi warband, an Erryl Cloudboard. He often uses this hoverboard to weave between his enemies and cover large distances with ease, and the AI embedded within it, "Gill", is always happy to give him a ride.   When Brigadier General Howe turned against the Moku and tried to exterminate them, Wukong was the first on the scene to help free the Moku monks. He ran and hovered between Howe's soldiers, dodging their lightning bolts from above. When the Moku emerged victorious and their Goddess allowed the Party to select her people's next leader, Wukong didn't hesitate to join the rest of the Party in nominating Count Arkades' bodyguard, Tempi for the position.  

The Mong Bal Detective Agency

While taking a furlough in Mons Mirror to upgrade their ship, Wukong and Itthis took the next step in their partnership by forming the Mong Bal Detective Agency. They had already solved a mystery on Nimbus aobut the Kapu Lua master, Tyro's secret martial arts skills, and the informaiton brokers in Mons Mirror offered plenty of mysteries for them to sink their teeth into. The Mong Bal detective agency has solved every case that has come their way, although (perhaps true to its name) they often elect to keep that truth a secret to protect those who it might harm.   Their first official case involved a series of murders among the Mons Mirror elite, which they tracked down to be the dreamless sister of Viscount Dracken. Once the sioster was subdued, they decided to keep the killer's identity a secret to protect the Dracken family. A mystery about the kidnapping of an infant member of the Harto family ended with the detective agency discoverying a tribe of caterpillar people called Changelings who had brokered an ancient pact with the first settlers of Mons Mirror. Since the changelings offered protection to the city, they again decided to keep their presence a secret. On Jotun, the Mong Bal Detective agency investigated the mystery of an amnesiatic man who had survived the Shrikevind. They learned that he was the founder of the Roven Clan who was lured into the Shrikevind by a group of druids after massacreing their tribe. Roven wanted to go back to his ignorance, but the Mong Bal detective agency revealed the truth and forced him to right the wrongs of the past by taking control of the clan from his cruel descendants.   More recently, the Mong Bal detective agency investigated claims into a Lion City businessman and local philanthropist, Herodatus Savine, that his family had connections to the Koan Empire. They learned that Herodotus's father was a high-ranking imperial official who hid his connections just before the empire fell. Herodotus really didn't seem to know anything about his father's misdeeds, and the reparations he would be required to pay as a result of this revelation would bankrupt his business, so again the Mong Bal Detective Agency decided to keep it a secret.   Perhaps the strangest case the Mong Bal detective agency investigated was that of a mysterious song heard by an Anduran Prince while walking down the streets of Mons Mirror. The mystery resulted in a crazy adventure involving alternate timelines, an epic battle of the bands, and a musician to serve on their crew. Most notably for Wukong, it netted a powerful artifact called the Caesura Bangle, which allowed him to freeze time for short periods to reload cannons or charge up his staff.  

Joining the Circus

Not a day went by during Wukong's journeys when he didn't wonder about the circumstances of his departure from his home, as well as his loss of memories. One night, while dreaming about leaving his mother, he found a voyeuristic warlock named Ravi watching the show. Ravi was a promoter for an underground Dream World coliseum called The Circus, where Corsairs, outlaws, and masked fighters duked it out to entertain audiences who visited The Circus while dreaming. Ravi said that if Wukong competed, he could help Wukong unlock his repressed memories.   Wukong decided to join The Circus, bringing his friends along as well. It was then he learned the reason Ravi had reached out to him--that Guan Yu had fought for Ravi in The Circus and made it all the way to the final round. Ravi hadn't been able to field a contestant, much less a champion, and revealed that he would lose his job as a promoter if he couldn't win big at the next tournament. Wukong agreed to fight for Ravi, and was the only member of the Party who agreed to join his league, the Io Oneironautics Club.   Wukong competed in The Circus's qualifying rounds, where he earned some prestige for himself and qualified to fight in the Mephisto Cup, The Circus's most prestigious tournament where combatants competed for the patronship of The Circus's current owner, Christoph Ebliss. Ravi was pleased at Wukong's performance, but revealed that he didn't actually know how to get Wukong's memories back. If anyone could, though, it was probably Christoph Ebliss, one of the most powerful Daemons in The Dream World. Wukong agreed to keep fighting for Ravi in hopes that he might be able to win the tournament and learn about his hidden memories.   That night, Wukong had a dream about a memory from his childhood he had forgotten. Back when he and Guan Yu were children, their father revealed to them that they had both inherited an ancient power called Resonance that dated back to the Progenitors themselves. Their father would train them in the use of this ability, but would use the Whisper to lock it within their memories until they were ready to use it.  

The Battle of the North Sea

Wukong continued his acts of heroism when helping the Geit Clansmoot defend Jotun against the White Lion Armada. During the mission to recover Jorund Brighthoof's body from the Habrok Clan, Wukong infiltrated a group of bandits working near the Habrok crypts, led by a Geit named Half-Breed Leonard. He discovered that the bandits were keeping a Cockatrice Knight inside their hideout to harvest her blood to create an antidote for the local cockatrices' paralyzing pheremones. Wukong took down Leonard's gang and freed the cockatrice knight.   Wukong also improved his own abilities while adventuring on Jotun by inventing a new "Monkey Frog" discipline that combined Koan acrobatics techniques with his staff moves.   During the Party's ascent of The Forge, Wukong helped Itthis escape Tormund's burning garden on his hoverboard. At the end of the long journey, the Party faced the decision of whether to sacrifice a baby fire giant and save the Habrok clan or spare him and let the Forger go free, but doom the Habroks. Wukong wanted to free the Forger to save Mong Bal, but the Party outvoted him. In the end, the Forger went free anyway, though, as Freya Habrok agreed to leave her clan.   During the Battle of the North Sea, Wukong and Mara helped recover some meade from a group of Lundy death cultists who were using it in a ritual gone wrong. After a visit and stern talking to by his mother, Lo Shen, he was able to convince them to stop the ritual. The Clansmoot recovered the meade and greatly improved their morale. At the end of the battle, Wukong joined the rest of the Party and Freya Habrok to take down the White Lion Flagship, the Falco Rex.   After the battle, Wukong helped a young scout named Koba Bato, to find his brother and discover the Lost City of Saxon, where Geit and fire giants appeared to live in harmony. It turned out that the fire giants were actually ruling the city in secret. Wukong fought to escape the city, saving an old rebel leader named Pops in the process, who later joined the crew. Although, Wukong wasn't sure if this was a good thing, given Pops' ravings and night terrors keeping everyone up at night.  

Summoned to Trial

Before leaving Jotun, Wukong received a troubling message from home. Fang Feng had formally accused him of regicide and demanded he return to Erryl to stand trial. In his absence, his mother, Lo Shen, would be imprisoned until he returned. Wukong was reluctant to go, not only becuase Mong Bal was on the other side of the system, but also because his Corsair inter-planetary immunity did not apply there.  

The Koan Engagement

Wukong arrived in the Koan Republic for Princess Halle's wedding, only to find out his old friend Titus had been kidnapped by a secretive group of imperial assassins called the Blue Frogs. While investigating, Wukong encountered a Blue Frog assassin, chasing them across the city's rooftops and railcars. He caught the assassin and recovered a copy of the Blue Frog Manifesto, which outlined the Blue Frogs' plans in an ancient language.   The Party followed the leads to the house of Reglas's opponent in the coming election, Flavian. He and Itthis discovered a secret dock beneath Flavian's mansion where kidnapping victims were being hauled away via a submarine. Using a codex found in Flavian's mansion, Wukong began translating the Blue Frog Manifesto, and discovered a vast conspiracy dating back centuries that the Blue Frogs created to restore the empire should it ever fall.   Wukong and the rest of the Party followed the Blue Frogs' submarine to their headquarters in the sunken city of Magnikar. They managed to rescue Titus from the Blue Frogs' clutches and destroy their base.   During Reglas's bachelor party, the old knight's friend, Sir Latro, helped Wukong recover his memories by dunking his head in a fountain of whiskey. Apparently, the ritual worked, as Wukong ran around the party screaming that he "remembered everything." He then confessed something to Jaime and wrote a note to himself that "Jaime knows." Unfortunately, due to his advanced intoxication and subsequent infection with the Alteri Virus, both Jaime and Wukong forgot the contents of his revelation.   After the bachelor party, the Party decided they had enough of Flavian and pursued a bill of attainder to procure his arrest. Wukong gave an impassioned speech on the Rostrum to garner support of the bill, and with Itthis and Jaime's help, he managed to double the bill's suport.
Full Name: Sun Wukong
Race: Mong Bal
Gender: Male
Background/Occupations: Corsair, Detective
Current Status: In Party
Tallest building leapt From: The Spike, Balphuran 900 ft


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