
Paeonalchemy uses the fundamental principles of its parent science to allow the body to repair itself and those around it. While still a fledgling science, Paeonalchemy is flourishing among the White Cells of the Pox Mundus, who hire out their field medic services to armies and ships with the coin to pay them.  
Requirements: Imbibe, First Aid, Imbibification Port [choleric], Imbibification Port [sanguine]

1d4-Paeonalchemist’s Mindset (Passive upon Activation) A paeonalchemist uses his own humors as instruments of healing, assisting allies on the battlefield irrespective of the essences he happens to have on hand. When in the paeonalchemist’s mindset, the user may convert any spell slotted into his Choleric Port into a Heal spell that can be cast using his discipline die. Regulating humors at such a granular level consumes all circulatory activity within the alchemist’s body, making the paeonalchemist’s Sanguine Port inoperable when using the Paeonalchemist’s mindset.   1d6- Healing Bolt (Active) The paeonalchemist can convert the ranged capacities of more complex spells to extend the reach of his heal spells. When the user converts a standard spell into a heal spell, he may cast it at a range of Imbibe “.   1d8- Unbloodied (Passive) A paeonalchemist’s body regulates itself with perfect precision regardless of how much damage it has taken. The user does not take wound penalties when in the paeonalchemist’s mindset.   1d10- Chain Heal (Active) The paeonalchemist can make his heal spells leap from one ally to the next. When the paeonalchemist converts a complex spell into a heal spell using the paeonalchemist’s mindset, he fires a healing bolt with two additional bolts nestled inside. He rolls his discipline die three times. Healed wounds for any successes or raises he receives on each roll may be transferred to heal an ally within Imbibe” of the target, rather than healing the target. When healing is transferred to a target, remaining spells may be transferred to a subsequent target within Imbibe “of the second target. The user may continue to do this for as long as he has successes or raises on his rolls, and may even heal a healthy ally or enemy to reach a distant target.   1d12- Homeostasis (Passive) A paeonalchemist’s body and mind work in perfect harmony so long as they do not endure fatal injury. The user does not take penalties for being shaken when in the paeonalchemist’s mindset. However, he is still considered shaken for the purposes of calculating damage and powers or skills that have an effect on shaken creatures.


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