Pox Mundus

The Pox Mundus are a group of terrorist physician who use biological warfare to extort the Homyn Kingdom into overlooking their illegal experiments and fund their medical breakthroughs. Originally formed by a group of alchemists frustrated by the Academy's focus on using alchemy for warfare rather than medicine, the Pox Mundus discarded their oaths to do no harm in the name of medical progress. They maintain their stranglehold over medical science, and de facto control over the moon Skatho, through the use of The Pathogen Vault, a sealed cabinet containing twenty-three deadly plagues and viruses that could wipe out all sentient life if unleashed.   They are led by Bastian Kendall , a five-hundred year old Homyn who attained eternal youth by creating a Philosopher's Stone and drinking the elixir of life. However, the concoction did not protect him from all illness, meaning he must constantly advance medical science if he wants to stay alive. Below Kendall are an elite group of alchemist soldiers known as the White Cells.   Despite their brutal methods, the Pox Mundus have advanced medical science forward by fifty years, although they only offer their direct services to those who pay them hefty sums. While their activities are not sanctioned by the Academy or Lunar Brigade, authorities in the Homyn Kingdom are willing to look the other way as long as they don't cause too much trouble. After all, a noble never knows when they might need the Pox Mundus's medical expertise.


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