Phasewalker Mask

A tattered wooden mask with a bark-skinned face; its facial features are contorted by the natural shape of the ancient willow that the mask was hewn from. The phasewalker mask was used during sacrificial rituals by early Homyn tribes during a scant-chronicled era, known as the “troubled days” and predating the Philosopher Kings and the Homyn discovery of Source.   The phasewalker mask found its way into the collection of Viscount Dracken on Mons Mirror where his dreamless older sister used it to escape confinement and murder her brother's enemies without her knowledge. Thanks to Wukond and Itthis's sterling detective work, the Mong Bal Detective Agency uncovered her actions. Viscount Dracken gave the mask to the Party for safekeeping, and Itthis often uses it to assist in his stealthy endeavors. Most famously, he used it to slip through a Bura Bura Bank caravan employed by the White Lion Armada during the Battle of the North Sea to interrupt their payment to a band of mercenaries.  
Effect: Reduces the user’s Toughness by 1/2, rounded up. Whenever the user kills an enemy wearing the mask, he becomes incorporeal until his next turn. While incorporeal, the user can pass through difficult terrain or obstacles unimpeded and cannot be attacked.   Curse Affinity (0/3): Visions of the Between. Whenever the user becomes incorporeal, they catch a brief glimpse of a hidden place between the folds of reality, the continued exposure to which can harm the subconscious. Gain an intensity 3 duration 2 Nightmare.


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