Ruyi Jingu Bang

A legendary staff said to be once wielded by the Mong Bal Warlord, Jin the Magnificent. It can grow to extraordinary lengths and change shape during the battle, fitting Jin's crafty and unpredictable fighting style. Sometime after Jin the Magnificent’s death, the staff was split into multiple pieces and scattered across the spheres.   A piece of Ruyi Jingu Bang made its way into the hands of the merchant Gustav Klimt, and was purchased by Tien Mu as a gift for Wukong as he entered the Corsair Tournament. Fang Feng purchased another piece at great expense hoping he could use it to best Wukong in a battle in Lion City. However, Wukong emerged victorious and his piece of the staff merged with Fang Feng's. In its new form, the staff allowed Wukong to store charges, split into two pieces, and turn it into a pool-cue like ram and launch him like a rocket. Wukong obtained another two pieces of Jingu Bang as a gift from the Spirit of Hollytide which allowed him to store two extra charges, shrink the staffs to a size of a toothpick, grow it into a pillar, fire it like a gattling gun, and swing it like a sledgehammer.  
Effect: As a Simple Action the user can extend the length of Jingu Bang to seemingly infinite dimensions. When using an extended staff to fight, the user takes a -2 penalty to attack and defense tests for every “of reach he adds.   Additionally, the user may spend a Standard Action to “charge” Jingu Bang to perform special attacks that capitalize on the staff’s transforming abilities. Jingu Bang may be charged up to three times, but each action only increases the charge by 1.   Discovery Affinity (4) Chosen Wielder. Only the owner of Jingu Bang is able to pick it up.   Familiarity Affinity (5) Cloned Staffs. The user may split Jingu Bang to fight with two or more staffs at the same time.   Familiarity Affinity (3) Jingu Ram (1 Charge). The user hyperextends Jingu Bang in a rapid attack, striking his enemy like a pool cue. The attack deals an extra 1d6 damage and has inflicts Knock Prone and Knock Back.   Familiarity Affinity (3) Jingu Rocket (1 Charge). The user rapidly extends Jingu Bang to launch himself into the air. He may attack enemies with this attack at elevations of up to 5” above him and deals double damage against flying creatures.   Familiarity Affinity (3) Jingu Toothpick (1 Charge). The user shrinks Jingu Bang to the size of a toothpick, concealing its nature as a weapon. However, Jingu Bang cannot hold charges while in this form.   Familiarity Affinity (3) Jingu Pillar (1 Charge). The user plants Jingu Bang on the ground and widens its circumference into a pillar 1” wide and 2” tall. The pillar provides heavy cover against ranged attacks from directly across it and medium cover against ranged attacks that it partially obscures.   Familiarity Affinity (5) Jingu Sledgehammer (3 Charges). The user widens the tip of Jingu Bang and swings it like a hammer. The attack deals an extra 2d6 damage and inflicts armor break on a hit.   Familiarity Affinity (5) Jingu Gatling Gun (3 Charges). The user extends Jingu Bang in rapid succession to hit far away foes multiple times. The user makes four attacks with the staff, with which they are able to strike any enemy or enemies within 15” of the user. Each attack deals 1d10 damage.


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