Snow Hawk

A white-feathered hawk native to the Geit home world, Jotun. They share the infrared vision of the Geit and make for excellent scouts.   Itthis purchased a snowhawk from Sedrick's Menagerie in the city of Habrok when Sedrick was trying to clear his inventory and flee the city before the seemingly inevitable conflict between the Brihgthoof and Habrok clan.  
Domestication/Taming Threshold: 10/15   Skills Spot 1d10 (+2 in cold climates). Dodge 1d4   Traits Pace 10” Toughness 3   Effect: When used on a ship, can Repel Boarders, as if it were a Lookout. Does not require Food.   Familiarity Affinity (0/6) Patrol: The hawk circles its master to identify enemies. Its master, and anyone within 3” of its master receive a +3 bonus against enemy attempts to Get the Drop on them.


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