
Spriggans are a vassal race of the Homyn Kingdom native to the moon Spring. Known to be living gardens, their bodies contain chemicals such as cholorphyl and fertilizer that allows them to grow plants out of their very skin. Most Spriggans cultivate one or more species of plants out of their heads in place of hair, called topiaries. Among Spriggan settlements, the composition and health of a topiary often denotes social status. Otherwise, Spriggans appear very similar to Homyn--although sometimes the chlorophyl in their system can produce greenish skin-tones not seen among other races.   Generally a peaceful people, Spriggans have an innate connection to their verdant moon's plants and flowers. They often take on professions involving plants such as agriculture and herbalism. Peaceful by nature, they share a fractious history with the neighboring race on Spring, the Ursa. However, both civilizations have always shared a certain codependency as the Ursa cultivate the moon's bee population who both rely on and propagate the Spriggans' flowers.   The Spriggans were among the first vassal races annexed by the Homyn Kingdom. While not without its conflicts, they integrated into Homyn society quite easily. Unlike their ursan counterparts, there are few Spriggan separatist factions on Spring. However, a small subset of priests who worship the dragon goddess, Calliope the Bloomed, still fight to throw off the yolk of Homyn secular rule.


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