The Orbiter's Wife

A popular shanty sung across the lanes and seas of Io. It was originally composed as recruitment propaganda for the Io East Orbit Company whose catchy melody long outlived its marketing campaign. The song is about an Io East Orbit captain’s adventures on the blue and black, driven by a desire for neither gold nor glory, but to provide food for his wife at home. It was said that the Orbiter’s Wife once had a chorus for each moon on Io’s East Orbit, but much of the original composition has been lost.  
Effect: Grants a +1 to Cannons tests to all allies.


The Forests of Entar: (DC 5) A boisterous tune about bombarding the Grahe dams blocking the sea routes on Entar. Doubles the result of reload rolls for a single turn.

The Waves of Trys: (DC 8) A harrowing stanza about braving rogue waves on the turbulent seas of Trys. Grants a +1 to Drag or Lift for the duration of the song.

The Cimmerian Spiders: (DC 10) A spine tingling stanza about battling Neith commandos on the ammonia seas of Yagvannoi. Grants all allies an attack of opportunity against any adjacent enemies on board the ship for the turn.  


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