
Trys is a moon in Io's East Orbit that suffers tumultuous tides and perpetual rain storms. The moon originally orbited Tyrant, but in the wake of that planet's destruction was flung into space and captured by the gas-giant Io.
  Along with Autumn and Zen, Trys was one of three moons that the Koan Empire granted to the Scalfi after the destruction of Tyrant. As such, its rainslick shores are the sight of frequent battles between the Lunar Brigade and Scalfi hordes.
  The moon is also home to The College of Oddities, one of the Homyn Academy's nine colleges, which studies fringe sciences.
  Trys's native population resemble tall lemurs. While highly intelligent, they act a little touched compared to most species. Many chalk their strange behavior up to the disturbance of the moon's spin and axis when it was ejected from Tyrant.
  Count Kraithe, the Damned Count, is the de facto ruler of the moon, despite some protests by the Homyn Kingdom. While he does not have noble blood, he is supported by his people in his quest to revive his dead wife using forbidden practices in The Dream World. The White Lion Armada assists him in this endeavor, granting Kraithe the rank of admiral and designating his castle one of their forts.
  The moon is also home to a signifcant Erryl relay that was once a key piece of infrastructure in the digital realm created by the Erryl known as The Network. The Scalfi captured the relay at the behest of a scholar named Byron, but the Party took it back on the Lunar Brigade's behalf, afraid of letting the Scalfi have such a tactical advantage. While the Brigade promised to leave Byron alive to continue his studies, they reneged on the promise almost immediately when they allowed Countess Bellari to murder him.


Trys Base Map Image


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