The Shield of Kings

An ancestral shield passed down among the Albrecht family that once belonged to Thomas the Philosopher King. The shield’s sympathetic enchantments embody the virtues of indomitability prized by the Albrechts and the people of Diamond.   Simon took the shield with him when he left his home to become a mercenary. When he returned home in disgrace, it was the one piece of his birthright that his father did not strip from him.  
Effect: The user may use the shield of kings to make a Block Test on behalf of any ally in his line of sight.   Familiarity Affinity (5) Sympathetic Discharge. When the user successfully blocks with the Shield of Kings power, the enemy rolls the attack’s damage. The damage of that attack is then stored in the shield. If the user gets a raise on a Block Test on an attack that targets them personally, they may release the sympathetic discharge to automatically damage the enemy for the amount of damage stored in the shield. The damage stored in the shield resets to zero after using this ability.


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