Warp Staff

A walking stick made from an elongated Abomination femur wrapped in flayed wraith skin. It stores a precious element called Warp that only appears in the astral plane and has the power to bend space. The staff was designed at the request of an Illithid sorcerer-duelist as a form of personal teleportation for aristocrats, but it never moved beyond experimental stages due to the unreliability of the teleporting effect. The prototype was subsequently used by its commissioner in duels to disorient their opponents.   Itthis found the warp staff aboard a haunted shipwreck on Mons Mirror while hunting wraiths to make a wraithskin sail. He often wields it in his hammer form when facing daemons or powerful enemies. At times its warp effect has dramatically shortened encounters, such as when he used it to shunt the powerful mutant, Doctor Oslo, into a wall, killing him instantly.  
Effect: Whenever the user hits an enemy with the warp staff, the enemy is teleported to a random* nearby square. If they land in an occupied square, they move to the nearest unoccupied square and suffer Impact Damage.   Discovery Affinity (DC 4): Shifter Circle. A small shifter circle has been grafted onto the tip of the staff, allowing the user to change its shape on command. As a Simple Action the warp staff can be changed into a Spear or Hammer.   Familiarity Affinity (3) Warp Tap. The user has mastered the exact amount of force necessary to trigger the warp effect and can do so without causing harm to his target. As a Standard Action, he may use the warp staff on himself or an ally without making a test or dealing damage, however the target may still take Impact Damage if they reappear in an occupied square.   * The random destination is determined first by rolling 1d4 to determine the two directions (1=up, left; 2=up, right, 3=down, left, and 4=down, right), then roll 2 1d12s to determine how many spaces in each direction the target moves


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