Episode 2 (Prologue) - The God Mithral

Plot points/Scenes

(a Law Enforcement background or similar Credit Rating roll) for the police files   AH PUCH Four hours and a Library Use roll at any major library will reveal this information (failed roll doubles the time): Handout #6: Also known as Hunhau, he was the Mayan god of death who ruled over Mitnal, the land of death, the lowest and most horrible of the nine hells. Ah Puch was often represented with the head of an owl on a human body. This figure of death has survived to this day, the Indians of CentralAmerica and Mexico still believing that someone will die when an owl screeches. In other representations Ah Puch is shown as a skeleton or a bloated corpse, adorned with bells. This is likely the deity commonly called “God A” from the surviving Mayan codices.

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