Shuttered Souls - Session #5 Report

General Summary

After examining the ritual scene finding nothing that would clear up what actually happened to Max, other than asphyxiation with a thick rope. The rope is nowhere to be found, there is no wires or trees in the right spots to explain how the corpse was levitating to begin with.

The only thing that they managed to find that pushed the investigation forward was Max's cellphone that had a copy of the email exchange between the students that explained some of the events prior to this night.

Ella found the camera in a yard sale, as being a photography geek and interested in unique retro things she bought it. In the shoe box it came with there were an assortment of different photos.   Bullet points of the conversations, if your character puts more time reading everything you can also read the entries marked as spoilers.   Vaughn tells his friends urban legends concerning cursed items and last photos.
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Liam takes his picture and says nothing can happen now as he has the picture, and laughs and mocks the others being so gullible.
  After Liam's accident, Sophie and Lucas starts reading online about cameras and rituals you can perform to stop the possessed camera. They don't really find anything useful at first.
  Max starts researching the cameras past and see if he can find any history on it. Tracking down the Carl Zeiss Jena Proxar lenses serial number he discovered that that lense once belonged to Henrich Hoffman, also known as the Fuhrer's Photographer.
  Ella, Sophie and Lucas doesn't believe this and they during an argument with Vaughn takes his picture, vaughan freaks out. The other kids puts a lighter to the picture to show him that its nothing to be afraid off. Vaughn dies from Self-immolation or more precisely due to spontaneous combustion.
  Lucas takes this the hardest and starts to downward spiral, due to the enormous pressure and guilt.   Max finds a ritual online and along with at least one other webpage that when Idaho clicked the link fried Max's whole computer. Max gathers the necessary ritual components and takes several polaroids of himself and the camera and heads out to the river to perform the ritual.   He leaves a final message that he is going to make everything alright and save the others.     The Agents try to reenact the ritual, but they discover that they lack several important components to actualise the Ritual.   Clayton gets a phone call from his Handler, letting the Team know that the NO Sheriffs department is investigating the disturbance at Sophie Greens house and they are looking for the currently unidentified male wielding a fireman's axe on the street.   Clayton also asks for advice regarding the camera and ritual, and the Handler is going to look into it and send help.   Later the same night, early morning they meet an experienced Sorcerer at @gree that goes through and provides all the necessary components to preform Rite of Celestial Disentanglement

The Agents follows through with the Rite and after the completion they burn all the cursed items, camera included. Except Annies polaroid that have now turned completely black, just as it was overexposed or something.

Another detail were that the lense of the camera now have a crack right through it.

As the session comes to a close The Handler once again calls and tells them that there has been a situation in Arizona and they need to get there as fast as humanly possible, and he will meet them along the way to brief them on the current situation.
Synchronous Journeys into the Unknown
Clayton Roberts
Report Date
07 Dec 2023
Primary Location
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