The Baron

Burgomeister of Civil Influence, head arch regent of the Lunarym Assembly, and husband to the Countess; the Baron is a cowardly and cruel nobleman who finds the very thought of domination and rule beautiful. In life he was in charge of keeping enemies of the throne silenced and afraid, halting free speech entirely as Lunarym crumbled around him. As he was burned alive alongside his wife and unborn child, the Baron was saved due to the necromantic surge brought onto the city. Now in undeath he haunts the Isles alongside his mentally absent beloved, reveling in the psychological torture of those beneath him as he plays with their lives as he sees fit.   The Baron is as malicious an individual as he is cowardly, he deeply enjoys watching people’s spirits and willpower break at his whim and in the cruelest way possible. However, he is deeply afraid that his life will come to a close once again and therefore anyone who poses a threat to the Baron specifically must be dealt with swiftly. He more than any others in the Court uses the Crimson King as a figurehead for his rule, viewing mortal lives as enjoyable entertainment for him and his spirits to play with.

Character Information

Lawful Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Mortarch of Fear
Aligned Organization


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