The Countess

In life the Countess was a highly respected noblewoman unlike that of her husband; the Baron. She was a graduate of Barrowhurst Academy and belonged to the family in charge of Lunarym's medicinal clinics and charnel houses. Her and the Baron were strong disbelievers in the way the blood was used outside of its medicinal purposes, such as how nobility in Lunarym would often mix the old blood with wine and other delicacies. At the height of the Crimson Curse's plague on the city the Countess and the Baron were dragged into the streets from their home and publicly executed and burned alive. The Countess, the Baron, and their unborn child charred on their stakes as the fall occurred, transforming her into the lands spirit of death and grief, a powerful banshee that would haunt the living until her last undying breath.   The Countess is a grief-stricken spirit who seeks nothing more than to guide the wraiths and spirits of the land towards the remaining mortals of her domain. She bears no desire to rule, only to ruin those beneath her with the same viciousness she was killed by. Her misty servants search Lunarym for mortals in their domains, and for her unborn child that she hopes survived just as she did.

Character Information

Chaotic Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Mortarch of Grief
Aligned Organization


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